Thanks to Vitamix for sponsoring this post and providing the Vitamix One for review.
Long-time readers may remember that I bought a Vitamix 5200 many years ago. I used it for a year (a thorough test-drive!) and then wrote a review post about it.
And later on, I wrote a post comparing a Ninja and a Vitamix.
Anyway, because of the posts I’d written, Vitamix reached out to see if they could send me one of their new products so I could review it.
As with the toaster I reviewed recently, I said yes with the thought that I could send a Vitamix with Lisey to her new apartment in the fall.
(Not everyone gets to start out with a Vitamix! Lucky girl.)
The newest addition to the Vitamix lineup is the Vitamix One.
It’s a smaller, simpler, more streamlined version of a bigger Vitamix, and since it’s designed to be a starter blender, I think it’s going to be just perfect for Lisey’s one-person apartment!
(She’s going to airplane mechanic school in the fall.)
This simplified design is meant to be a perfect fit for people who just want to do basic tasks in their blender; things like making smoothies, sauces, and salad dressings.
The bigger Vitamixes can make nut butters, heat soup, and grind grains, but as I’ve mentioned before, I never use my big Vitamix for those tasks anyway!
I tend to just use it for usual blender tasks, and probably 90% of the time, I’m using it for smoothies.
How’s the Vitamix One performance?
I made a smoothie with it yesterday, and I gave it a test with something that’s a little difficult to blend; frozen peaches, which are kind of like rocks!
It passed with flying colors; it blended them up just as well as my big Vitamix does.

Peaches, banana, and vanilla yogurt
How much can you fit in the Vitamix One?
Since the jar looks pretty small, I thought it might be hard to make a multi-person smoothie, but I easily made a three-person serving.
The jar is 32 ounces, so unless you are serving a crowd, you shouldn’t have a problem making smoothies and sauces.
What do I like about this blender?
The tamper
I love that it comes with one of my favorite features of the large Vitamix; the tamper.
It fits in the lid, allowing you to move thick smoothie ingredients around without removing the lid or worrying that you’ll hit the blades. It’s so super handy!
The smaller size
I have managed to make space in my kitchen for the larger Vitamix, but if I were tight on space, I would definitely appreciate the small footprint of this blender.
The solid construction
This blender has the same sturdy type of design my big Vitamix does; stainless steel blades, and a stainless steel seat in the blender base.
The blades and the blade base are often weak spots for cheaper blenders, so I appreciate that Vitamix designs these parts to last.
How much does this blender cost?
The Vitamix One starts at $249.95, which is much less than the big 5200 that I have ($449.95).
So, when you’re comparing new to new, the Vitamix One is a much, much more affordable option.
However, I did not pay $450 for my 5200; I got mine at Costco for a little over $300.
Costco no longer carries the 5200, but if you can manage to snag a reconditioned Vitamix 5200 Standard from Vitamix, you can pay right around the same price that I did at Costco.
Why in the world would you spend $250 on a blender?
I know that $250 feels like a lot for a blender.
But I can tell you that my Vitamix has far, far outlasted all of my cheaper blenders*. And it has outlasted my mom’s Ninja as well. I’ve already had mine for eight years and with heavy use, it’s still going strong.
*I had gone through three blenders already, with multiple blade replacements, by the time I switched to Vitamix.
Cheap blenders break and then they hit the landfill; I’d much rather pay for a single, expensive blender that will be with me for decades.
Vitamix offers a 10-year warranty and it’s a really good one, covering all parts, performance, labor, and two-way shipping for up to 10 years.

a peach, banana, and spinach smoothie
I can also tell you that Vitamix blenders just outperform cheaper blenders.
They liquefy greens in a smoothie, they crush ice easily, and they make smoothies that are actually smooth.
Also, if you are a person that regularly buys smoothies from a shop, your blender could pay for itself pretty quickly if you start making smoothies at home.
Should you get the Vitamix One or a 5200?
If you:
- want to pay the absolute lowest price for a Vitamix product
- don’t need to make large quantities of food
- want to save kitchen space
then I think the Vitamix One is the best option for you.
- have more kitchen space
- want the option to make very large quantities of food
- want to grind grain, make nut butter, etc
- don’t mind spending an extra $50-$75
then I would keep an eye out for a refurbished 5200.
I’m curious; what do you mostly use your blender for?
P.S. I imagine that eventually, there will be some reconditioned Vitamix One blenders available, and then they’ll be even more affordable.
Thursday 10th of June 2021
I still say I could buy three Ninja Kitchen Pro's (maybe 2.5) at Costco for the price of one Vitamix blender at Costco, so even if I ever have to replace it once in 10 years, I'm still ahead. I've had mine now probably 5 or 6 years and it's still going strong. My daughter makes a smoothie almost daily, we make our own nut butters (super fast and easy with the multi-level blades!) and all the various things you use a blender for, plus there's a food processor bowl we use for chopping (this model doesn't have disks) and individual serving size blender cups I use for grinding spices, coffee on occasion (for decaf, since our burr grinder is for caffeinated coffee), pancake batters, cold drinks, etc. I think Vitamixes are great products, not denigrating them at all, it's just the price is over the top for my budget, and I feel like I'm getting good value for my Ninja. I bought it because when adding up the price of buying a jar of almond butter vs. making my own, it paid for itself in a very short time. Good deal!
Thursday 10th of June 2021
That looks like a very cool machine. I have an old Hamilton Beach blender (American made with a glass blender container) that is at least 30 years old. It struggles to restore natural peanut butter, but otherwise handles what I ask it to do. We also have a one-person smoothie blender and a stick blender bought years ago when my son was recovering from a broken jaw. Both are quite handy. The whisk on the stick blender is great for whipping up a cake from mix.
Jennifer Y.
Wednesday 9th of June 2021
I have a vitamix. Totally love it! I use it mostly for smoothies. But it is also great for for entertaining....especially margaritas.
Wednesday 9th of June 2021
I mostly use my blender to puree my son's food for his g-tube. It has to be perfectly smooth with no particles or anything that could get caught in his MicKey button. I also do green smoothies, but not as often as I make food for my son.
Sara P
Thursday 10th of June 2021
Some moms are extra special!
Wednesday 9th of June 2021
Agree about VitaMix. Iโve had mine forever 15 yrs I think) before that $70 x about 7 times on cheap blenders. It makes incredible dressings, soups, sauces. Blend any cooked veggies and milk (plus anything else you like) and you have cream soup. Smoothies, protein shakes-perfect. Itโs worth considering. Itโs a great weight management til for me.