Hey there, readers!
Since I last blogged on Friday, I’ve been to Texas and back.
(On a plane, of course. Ha.)
My friend Beth is from Texas, and she and her family moved here about 5 years ago. We met at church and became really good friends from there.
We were in a small group together, their daughter stayed here when they had their second baby, and then their two daughters stayed here when they had their third baby, we trick or treated together in our neighborhood, we ate lunch with them after church really often, we played in our church band together…they were a big part of our lives.
This spring, they moved back to Texas to be near family.
And while I’m happy for them, oh man, I was so sad when they moved.
Until the last five years or so, I hadn’t really had much in the way of real, reciprocal, deep relationships as an adult. And Beth was one of my first.
She and I both cried lots of tears when she left, and I cried plenty after she left too…like the kind where you’re turning your pillow over to find a dry spot because you soaked the whole thing with tears.
Beth’s 30th birthday was on Friday, and her husband, unbeknownst to her, bought me a plane ticket so I could come surprise her for the weekend.
I was so happy to see her, and she was so happy to see me…there was just lots of happiness all around.
And I love her girls too, so I was really glad to see them again.
The five-year-old was VERY surprised when I walked in the door and she was like, “Miss Kristen! Do you live in Texas now??” Heh.
I’d never been to Texas before, so in addition to seeing my dear friends, I got to see a new place, try some of their favorite restaurants, visit their church…and we went to the Dallas zoo too, which was super nice.
And also super hot.
Texas in August is no joke!
I really did hang out with Beth a lot. I just seem to have mostly taken pictures with her girls. 😉
I was sad to say goodbye to all of them yesterday. Sigh.
But of course, I am also happy to say hello again to my five favorite people here at home. They managed fine without me, but they missed me, and it’s good to be missed. <3

Window seat! My fave.

flying over cities at night: also my fave. THE SPARKLES!
It’s 11:00 and I haven’t showered in two days, and I’m not unpacked at all and I have no idea what I’m doing this week or what I’m cooking or what’s in my fridge, and I think Sonia and Zoe’s mom-attention tanks are low, so I’d better wrap this up and get back to my real life. 😉
Oh, before I go…thank you so much for all of your encouraging comments on Friday’s post. I’m sorry I didn’t respond to all of you! It’s not that I don’t care, it’s that I was computer-less and in Texas. I’m going to go respond to comments shortly, so hop back over there and read if you left me a question or something else that needs a response.
Robert Sterbal
Tuesday 1st of May 2018
This and the follow up on your birthday really warmed my heart. Thanks.
Pam B.
Wednesday 20th of September 2017
A bit late, but I'm so glad you had a great time in my state, and got to visit your friend. What a sweet gift from her husband. (And btw, you came during a "cool" August! Usually we're in the triple digits.)
Tuesday 15th of August 2017
What a fab surprise for your friend and what a kind husband she has! Some really nice happy photos.
Tuesday 15th of August 2017
Yes! He gets 10,000 husband points. ;)
Molly F. C.
Sunday 13th of August 2017
Kristen: Yay for a much needed visit with your dear friend! Glad that you got to do that.
Fran: I can only offer my opinion. If your husband & you are doing your utmost best for your two children, than that is all that you can do. All children, and some adults, have to learn that they are not the center of the universe. The fighting that your two are doing with each other, and the blaming when they don't get their respective ways, are creating disharmony in your home. Home should be a loving haven of refuge (most of the time!) . Can be difficult to to do but I'd suggest a firmer approach. Acknowledge their feelings but do not permit disrespect. Applaud loving actions while establishing consequences for selfish behavior. Good luck.
Wednesday 9th of August 2017
I'm so glad you got to go.