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Regarding my email feed…

All appears to be working properly, although you probably got an unusually long first feed, with posts that you’d already received from my old Frugal Girl blog. Those of you that subscribe to the feed should be back to normal with this post…if you’re not, let me know, and I’ll try to figure out how to fix it.

Thanks again for your patience! I think the move to my own server will prove to be advantageous in the long run…once I get the kinks worked out. I’m having to relearn how to do a lot of stuff and learn to do a lot of new stuff(I figured out how to upload plugins to my ftp, and I am exceedingly pleased about that!).

One nice benefit from switching to my own server is that now my blog address is really easy to remember, and it’s also very easy to google. For some reason, my old blog was very hard to find via google. It was always on the 6th or 7th page of results and now this new one is the second result on the very first page. So, it will be much harder to lose track of me now. 🙂

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