Five Frugal Things | Call me a cobbler
1. I fixed my snow boots with Shoe Goo I got my snow boots on clearance back around 2012, so they have been with me …
1. I fixed my snow boots with Shoe Goo I got my snow boots on clearance back around 2012, so they have been with me …
Over the last few years, I have written little posts/essays about going through my separation and divorce, about the grief and loss, about learning to …
Today’s the last day of 2024, and like so many others on the internet today, I’m looking back over the last 365 days. December 31st …
(to all who celebrate! Otherwise….happy Chanukah, or happy random Wednesday to you. 😉 ) If your day is full of good things, I am delighted …
At the beginning of last month, a reader asked me in a comment if my advice for my girls about dating has changed from what …
Hello there, dear readers! Remember when Elisabeth of Optimistic Musings did a Meet a Reader post here? In our email exchanges, Elisabeth told me she …
A no-school weekend Well, hey there, everyone! You guys. I had a weekend with no work shifts and no studying to do and it was …
I am tired. I usually write posts the night before, and I had intentions of sitting down tonight (Tuesday night) and writing another edition of …
The other night, I was listening to some podcasts while I prepped dinner, and when I saw the, “You’re there to make money, not to …
Well, in the previous posts, we made it all the way through the first Tightwad Gazette book. Soooo, we are now on to the second …
Hey guys! My schedule got flipped around a bit today, so I won’t get time to write a blog post until this afternoon. Sooooo, check …
In case you’ve missed the zillion mentions I’ve made recently…this summer I spent two months trying out an online personal training program with Ben Palocko. …
As I’ve been working through our Tightwad Gazette series, I’ve been thinking about how frugal strategies have changed just since the 1990s. Since I moved …
Guess what! I’M DIVORCED. It got legally finalized back at the end of January, but because so many pieces were still moving (account transfers and …
Off-topic post ahead, that has basically nothing to do with frugality! Also: it’s gonna be a little rambly because I am figuring this out as …