It’s been a little over a month since made this list, so I figured it was time to sit down and see how much progress I’ve made.
1. Roast marshmallows over a fire in our fire pit.
(partially because this is fun and partially because we have a big pile of branches that have fallen from our trees and they need to be used up!)
2. Paint my kitchen cabinets.
I’m not done with this, of course, but I AM faithfully working on it (this photo is a “before”…so if you were all, “Uh, that doesn’t look any different.” you’d be right!
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3. Arrange sleepovers.
Not to brag or anything, but I’m kind of winning at this. We’ve had approximately 74 sleepovers so far.
4. Declutter my house from top to bottom.
I’m working on this, though I got more done on it before I started on the cabinet project!
5. Move Lisey into Zoe’s room and move Zoe in with Sonia.
I want to do this because it will be easy. But I’m tackling the cabinets first, since they’re harder (walls are SO much easier to paint!)
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6. Go to a u-pick farm at least one more time.
Nope. Not yet!
7. Go to the library every other week.
I’ve been doing pretty well at this.
8. Make a baby book for Zoe.
9. Say yes to waterplay more than once a week.
I’m doing as well at this as I am at the sleepover thing. Which is to say, I’m knockin’ it out of the park. 😀
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To save myself some time, I’ll tell you that numbers 10-15 haven’t gotten done yet. I still have time, though!
10. Write to my grandpa once a month.
He doesn’t do email. 😉
11. Possibly write a new ebook.
I have an idea, but I’m not sure if I’ll have the time. We shall see.
12. Plan for next school year and order all of our books/supplies.
13. Eat some meals outside.
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14. Do some serious baking with Lisey.
We got a little behind on that during the school year, so I’d like to make up for some lost time.
15. Redo the kids’ chore lists.
16. Do some blog updating.
I got a few things done but there are more that I want to do!
Joshua’s 365 post: Bridging
Tuesday 30th of July 2013
Number 4 about de-cluttering the whole house from top to bottom NEEDS a whole page by itself. Like attacking ONE room at a time or ONE closet at a time...That is what's like for me!
Economies of Kale
Tuesday 30th of July 2013
I actually roasted some marshmallows over a fire pit last weekend, and it's mid-winter here, so we were huddled round for warmth :) I agree it's much more fun in summer.
Monday 29th of July 2013
Whoa .... 74 sleepovers....glad I read some of the comments. I was trying to do the math 74 sleepovers for 4 kids ...then I was only hoping they weren't all at your house.
Monday 29th of July 2013
Given how big the FG's extended family is, I could - almost - see 74 as a possible number if one counts by body and not by evening
Monday 29th of July 2013
WOW! 74 sleepovers? Part of me so badly wants to think that perhaps that is a typo. The other part of me (the bad sleepover mom part of me) is very convicted that I should be trying better in that department. We have had a few more than normal this summer but certainly not 74!
Monday 29th of July 2013
Ha-it's a joke, not a typo. We haven't had 74, but we have had a LOT. :)
Monday 29th of July 2013
I am wondering if "bucket list" is really the best term for what you are listing?
Monday 29th of July 2013
Oh, this isn't a SERIOUS bucket's a summer bucket list. :) It's just things I'd like to do before summer kicks the bucket.