Updating my kids’ chore lists was one of the things on my summer bucket list, and when I shared on my Facebook page that I’d gotten it done, several of you asked to see the end product.
I aim to please, so here I am.
Here’s the old after-meal chore list:
And here’s the new one:
I kept it super simple by just making up a list on Microsoft Word (I told you I love that program!) and printing it out.
I don’t own a laminator because I prefer not to coat something compostable or recyclable in plastic. If this one gets ripped, I can always just print out a new one and compost or recycle this one and to me, that beats any wipeability advantages that lamination offers.
Also? Not laminating things means I don’t have to buy a laminator, so, yay!
(I certainly understand the appeal, though, and if I had one, I’m sure I’d laminate everything in sight. Which is why I don’t trust myself with one.)
For the non-meal duty reminders, I also made them using Microsoft Word, but I got a little fancier, just for fun.
Here’s what the old lists looked like:
And here’s a peek at the new ones I made:
I printed them out on slightly heavy paper, inked the edges, and then used sticky squares to adhere them to some scrapbook paper I dug up from my stash.
And then I put them in white frames, which used to hang in Zoe’s old room (yay for reusing!)
For Sonia and Zoe’s daily chore lists, I did something similar, except with an 8×10 frame.
I’m pretty pleased with how well the paper coordinates with their wall color.
It’s the small things, people.
I also made a similar list for Lisey, and hers is in a black frame with gray scrapbook paper.
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I’m not quite sure why the paper looks wrinkly in the photo-it must be a shadow or something. It really is flat in real life. 😉
So, there you go. Chore lists that cost almost nothing.
Edit: Joshua has chores too, but he wanted to design his own list, complete with hand-drawn characters (he draws super-cute little guys and animals). He’s not done with it yet, so that’s why it’s not pictured. 😉 He does indeed do chores just like the girls do.
It’s sort of hard to take clear pictures of lists behind glass, so in case you couldn’t read what was on this lists, this is what they all need to do before they use screen time, call a friend, go outside to play, etc.:
1. Finish schoolwork.
2. Put away your schoolbooks, pencil, and ruler.
3. Practice piano.
4. Make sure your room is clean + vacuum the floor
5. Do your daily chore.
(FYI, I am not of the opinion that every bedroom needs to be vacuumed every day, but it doesn’t hurt, and having to vacuum does help them to be more diligent about cleaning up their floors every day.)
This is what they do before breakfast:
1. Make bed.
2. Get dressed.
3. Put any dirty clothes in the hamper.
4. Hang up PJs.
5. Pick up things on the floor.
6. Read Bible.
7. Pray.
8. Turn off nightlights. (that only applies to Sonia and Zoe, since they’re the only ones with nightlights!)
And then the kids all have different daily chores, based on their age/skill level. Some jobs get done every day, but the kids rotate doing them. For instance, our wooden steps get swept every day, so Zoe does it M/W/F and Sonia does it T/Th. And Joshua and Lisey do a similar thing with wiping down the bathroom.
Here’s Lisey’s list:
M- Wipe down bathroom.
T- Use brush & crevice tool in bedroom.
W- Wipe down bathroom.
Th- Clean inside and outside of slider.
F- Wipe down bathroom.
And here’s Sonia’s:
M- Clean up and dust nightstand/dresser
T- Sweep steps
W- Windex fridge, oven, dishwasher, bag holder
Th- Sweep steps
F- Clean up and wipe craft desk
In addition to this, they also fold and put away their own laundry, but I didn’t feel it was necessary to put that on a list because they just do this job whenever they have piles of laundry in the living room. And they also bring their laundry down to the laundry room, but they’re pretty good about remembering that on their own.
Ok, that’s probably more than you wanted to know about our chore lists.
But before I got, here’s an obligatory disclaimer: Please know that I’m not saying that everyone’s family should operate this way and do these same chores…everyone is different, and more or fewer chores may be the right choice for your family. I’m just sharing because I was asked. 🙂
I do think it’s important for kids to do chores and learn how to do things around the house (because ideally speaking, they’re going to be moving out one day!), but that can look really different from family to family.
Thursday 11th of June 2015
Hello Kristen, I love the frames. I have a 9, a 6 year old girls and a 4 year old boy. I am not even sure where to begin. I constantly nag them to fix their bed and clean the room and etc... however I haven't been successful so far. What is your advise? Appreciate your help,
Friday 12th of June 2015
Well, in our house, screen time and playing with friends time is off-limits until the chores are done. Work first, then play.
So if they ask to use their screen time or ask to go out and play, I ask, "Have you done your chores yet?" If the answer is no, then it's a no to screen time/friend time until the chores are done.
Monday 1st of September 2014
Second Request (I'm number 49 on the comments, but there is no reply):
Just wondering what ages each chore list applies to. Also, is there an allowance tied to the chores? If so, how much for each child? Thanks. Love all your tipsรขโฌยฆ
Read more: https://www.thefrugalgirl.com/2013/08/zee-new-chore-lists/#ixzz3C5OL0LCT
Monday 1st of September 2014
Sorry I missed a question! I try to respond to comments but sometimes one slips through the cracks!
We don't actually tie our chores directly to allowance (Here's an article I wrote about how we do allowance: https://www.mint.com/vip-content/how-we-handle-allowance-at-chez-frugal-girl/).
The lists in this particular post were for when my kids were 14, 12, 9, and 7 (Joshua, Lisey, Sonia, and Zoe, respectively).
Friday 18th of July 2014
Just wondering what ages each chore list applies to. Also, is there an allowance tied to the chores? If so, how much for each child? Thanks. Love all your tips...
Friday 11th of April 2014
I just chanced upon your website while looking up how to paint furniture. I must say, I LOVE your approach of living a frugal life, while also keeping your home looking beautiful.
I also love your ideas for making the list of chores for kids. With two kids (boy-10 and girl-7), I do struggle with how to get them to do their chores regularly.
I would like to keep checking your updates. Please keep writing!
Best, Subhadra
Friday 6th of September 2013
I like your chore lists. Do you have to remind your kids? or do they just do it on their own? My son cleans up the kitchen (puts dishes in the dishwasher, wipes the table, puts food in the frig) almost everyday. He needs to be reminded to take out the garbage, sweep the floors and clean his own bathroom. I'm not asking too much for a 12 year old, am I?
Friday 6th of September 2013
Yes and no...some of them remember to do their chores on their own and others need reminding.
I think the chores for your son sound good, especially since I doubt he has to take out the trash and clean his bathroom every day. But you are more likely the better judge of that than I am, since you know your son and you know his schedule.