I’m back at school as of today (!!!), so I thought this would be a good day for a to-do/bucket list update. Let’s see how I did!
1. Finish the @#$!% scuffed table
Ok, so, I am 99.99% finished with this.
I really just need to take some decent pictures of it, but I’ll put those in another post, so the before and afters don’t get lost here.
2. Hang some things on my walls
I did this! I hung up all of my flower prints from my Buy Nothing group. I know these would be better in a group of three, but that’s not how my frames worked out, and I’m trying to work with what I’ve got!
I hung up my necklace holder (which I brought from my old house and then never hung up for two years. Ahahaha. Whoops.)

My room is still a little dark right now; apologies for the dim photo!
And I hung up a cat print Zoe had bought in Hawaii this past January.
Yay me!
3. Go through my house room by room and declutter
I did so-so on this one.
Rooms on my list:
my bedroommy officeLisey’s old room- my bathroom
- the kitchen
the living room- the boiler room (our unfinished basement room)
Honestly, there’s probably not tons of stuff in in the bathroom and kitchen that needs to go; mainly the issue is the boiler room.
But I’m sorta thinking that will have to wait until winter break now unless this semester turns out to be easier than everyone says it is.
(I have met multiple people at my job who have failed out of third semester, soo…I think the boiler room will probably have to be messy until December. I do not, not, not want to repeat a semester! Schoolwork is gonna be my priority.)
4. Do my pre-school assignments
These are all due at noon today so…you know I got those done. I do not turn things in late THANK YOU VERY MUCH. 😉
I also got all of my beginning-of-semester assignments done, like confidentiality forms, onboarding forms, the syllabus quiz, and so on.
5. Practice my competency head to toe 2 times a day
I’ve checked this off on most days except for the ones where I worked at the hospital. So, while I might be iffy on my IV med skills or my injections, I am pretty dang confident about my head-to-toe assessment skills.
(The phrase, “I’ll be inspecting the skin for wounds, incisions, rashes, redness, and color.” rolls right off my tongue. And same goes for all the rest of the extensive script we have to follow. 😉 )
6. Eat down my kitchen freezer
I did a good job with this one!
I used some frozen milk to make cinnamon bread.
I made a big ol’ crockpot of chicken broth to use up my rotisserie chicken bones.
I thawed my frozen oil and used most of it to fry some meatballs (if I’ve used oil only a time or two, I strain it and freeze it for future use.) The meatballs handily used up a partial package of ground beef that was in the freezer too!
I cooked the marked-down package of beef slices.
I used some of the corn tortillas to make some cheese quesadillas.
And my freezer is looking way better than it did. Here’s how it started:
And here’s where we are now:
Chris b
Tuesday 27th of August 2024
Go to book clubs and parties to socialize. Yes Weed and harvest garden. Yes Dehydrate basil, parsley and clover. Yes Volunteer....quilts and day for girls liners. Yes Do Bible study. Somewhat
Tvรฅ Mรฅnadslรถner
Tuesday 27th of August 2024
Good job att cleaning your house! Most people could save tons of money if they eat everything they have instead of waiting and throwing it away later. Every garage/closet have loads of stuffs that we dont need, could bring some extra income. Having a side hustle could also improve our lifes! All the best from Sweden!
Blogger Tvรฅ Mรฅnadslรถner
Monday 26th of August 2024
Real life use for Seroquel - can help with sun downers in dementia patients. Hides well in ice cream too.
Blue Gate Farmgirl
Monday 26th of August 2024
Kristen, so excited for you to begin school again. Taking advantage of the neighbor's "rained on" round hay bales I picked up 3 to rebale using my other neighbor's mini baler. These we will sell to florists and event planners. They are so cute! Finished washing 4 board white fence (surrounding homestead and driveways) Put safe-for-environment soap flakes on roofs before the big rain storms this past weekend. Collected the soapy rainwater and used it to spray down the barns. Washed windows inside and out (house, barns & shop) Cleaned and labelled garage sale items for next weekend's open house/garage sale at one of our flipper projects. Fun garage sale find: 2 in round ice cube molds. Paid .50 ea and have made 16 balls a day for a couple of days. The only reason I bought the molds is to mess with my bestie who bought a fancy schmancy fridge that makes round ice cubes. I filled my auto ice cube maker bin with the round ones so she could freak out when she got ice tea. It was so worth the effort. My fridge is a plain jane no frills standard fridge. Her "where did these come from" query was priceless. Gotcha!
Liz B.
Monday 26th of August 2024
I love the colors of the %@#*! scuffed table! Great job on your list! My summer to-do list update: 1. Send my niece's high school graduation gift before she leaves for college: done! I sent it about three weeks ago, and she moved into her dorm this past weekend. Whew! This sister and her family are not good about acknowledging gifts, so let's just say I *assume* it got there in time.
2. Clean out raised garden bed full of weeds: not done, but I did transplant the coneflowers from this raised bed to a new spot. AND I did start cleaning out the bazillion Rose of Sharon seedlings out of a different garden bed, AND trimmed a bush near this garden bed (AND got stung by a wasp! Ouch!). So, gardening was done elsewhere. :-)
3. Read book and complete quiz for continuing education that expires at the end of this month: started, but hoo boy, is this book BORING. Way too much researchy stuffiness, statistics, blah blah blah....BUT I found out it doesn't expire until August 3, *2025*. So I have another year to slog through it.
4. Freezer clean out: nope. Not even close. If anything, I've put more stuff in there, not less.
5. Clean out the garage with DH's help: not yet, but next week, we're both taking time off work to tackle this beast. We both realized that we need more than a weekend to really do it right.
I also started a side project - cleaning/sorting/tidying an area in our bedroom that had become a dumping ground for Wayward Things, as well as cleaning/sorting/tidying the top of my cedar chest at the foot of our bed, which was a dumping ground for clean clothes that no longer fit (donated), singleton socks awaiting their mates, and other misfits. I was gifted a huge basket with a lid that fits perfectly on the cedar chest, so I can hide things that need mending, singleton socks, etc. It looks 1000% better. (The cedar chest was handed down from my mom).