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Monday Q&A | Food Waste, an Education Book, and My Nose Ring

Every Monday, I answer a few of the questions that my readers send me. If you have a question you’d like me to answer in a future Q&A post, just leave me a comment here or email me (thefrugalgirl [at] gmail [dot] com) and put Q&A in the subject line. I look forward to hearing from you!

When I posted a photo of my fridge, several of you wondered why I keep oranges and peppers in my fridge. I’ve never kept peppers anywhere else (and they seem to do fine in the fridge!), but I do sometimes keep clementines and oranges on my counter, especially when I’ve got more than could possibly fit in my fridge (see the clementines on my table?). But I find that if I keep them out of the fridge for too long, sometimes they start to go bad. So, if I’ve got more than we can use in a week or so, I put the extras in the fridge.

Also, someone had written me a while back looking for a good book on education.

Unfortunately, I’ve lost the email conversation, so I thought I’d just share the recommendation here! Upgrade: 10 Secrets to the Best Education for Your Child is one of the best books I’ve read on the topic, and though it’s written by a homeschooling dad, the book is about how to get the most out of any education method you choose for your child.

The main point I remember from this book is that parental involvement is THE key to a great education. Without that, even the greatest educational methods don’t work that well. And with parental involvement, even not-so-great educational situations can be improved greatly.

I am still not sure why you focus on moldy food or what was wasted. Did you waste a lot of food before?


Ha! I definitely did. In fact, my ridiculous amounts of food waste are the whole reason I started blogging! Check out the piles of food in this old post. Or in this one. And those two posts were written after I’d been working on my food waste for over three months…it used to be way worse than that!

It might seem silly to write about wasting a cucumber and a few green beans like I did last week, but writing about my food waste every week keeps me accountable. Even almost four years into this journey, I know I’d waste way more food if I didn’t have to show it to all of you.

I am really trying to work on my food waste reduction and I need some resources on how long food stays good in the fridge.

-Jessica is THE best site for this.

You can type in all sorts of foods and it will tell you how long those foods are safe to eat. I shared a little more detail about StillTasty back in 2009, so go check that post out for more info. Or just go straight to Still Tasty!

Also, your nose is a really helpful tool. If something smells off, throw it out.

I feel us readers should be filled in on the nose stud in a future post. Did it hurt? What was the motivating reason? Would you let the girls do that? I never saw it before, but it looks so cute on you!


Nope, it wasn’t super painful. At first it felt a bit like someone had punched me on that side of my face, but that wore off pretty quickly.

I decided to pierce it because Mr. FG had mentioned to me that he liked nose studs. He rarely expresses opinions about what I do as far as my appearance goes (“You look nice whatever you wear, Sweetie!” is usually his attitude.) So, when he suggested something, I thought I ought to take it seriously. But, it took me about a year to actually decide to do it, mostly because I was worried about what people would think. I eventually decided that I just valued Mr. FG’s opinion over other people’s.

For the record, Mr. FG would change most anything about his appearance in a heartbeat if I asked him to, so this isn’t a one-way street kind of thing.

I didn’t do it because I’m getting into body-mod or anything like that…I just did it because I love my husband. So, don’t expect to see me show up with a tattoo or anything. This is it. 😉

None of my girls are faintly interested in piercing their noses (Sonia and Zoe don’t even have their ears pierced), so that’s not an issue at all.


Today’s 365 post: Pepperoni, Mushrooms, and Cheese

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Saturday 4th of February 2012

black and white nose ring photo.... very cool and nice


Sunday 22nd of January 2012

I also think that your nose stud really suits you - Mr FG must really love it!!

I also have a pierced nose and got it done (for the second time) four years ago, when I was 31. My husband also in a round about sort of way also persuaded me to get it redone. I got my nose pierced when I started college and had it for several years before I took it out. He said several times he liked the look of it in the photos from the time and that he wished he'd known me when I had it. I had missed having a shiny jewel in my nostril so got it re-done, much to my husband's approval. I wear a discreet tiny diamond stud which fits in with work (and my age!) and wouldn't want to be without it.


Saturday 21st of January 2012

Your piercing is lovely and perfect. It's exactly in the right place and matches your face perfectly!


Sunday 22nd of January 2012

Thank you!


Tuesday 10th of January 2012

Wanted to chime in and let you know that although I don't home-school (not that common in the UK) when you post about it and discussions start about home-schooling it reminds me of how important my involvement in my Kids state education is. It's a great reminder...thank you.

Frugal Down Under

Monday 9th of January 2012

Many of my friends have Body Modifications that are less acceptable in society and get looked down upon and yet they are wonderful, kind, generous people. I think they look fun. Others have more acceptable in society nose jobs, boob jobs ect and they don't lift much of an eyebrow. So sad how we all judge people.

I follow you because you keep me inspired on the frugality life and living thoughtfully. It doesn't matter that you look like this or that. It doesn't matter that you believe in god and I don't. I like you. I like your simplicity and I like your cheerfulness. I like that you keep me accountable of food waste. I found you over a year ago on You Tube and have followed you since and comment once in a while. I hope you keep on Blogging for many many many more years :-)


Monday 9th of January 2012

Yes. I'm not personally inclined to get pierced or tattooed all over, but that doesn't give me the right to look down on someone who chooses to do that. A person's appearance is not who they are. Fat, thin, tall, short, tattooed,'s all just part of our outer shell.

I'm so glad you're enjoying my blog!

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