1.We got $0.50 Frosties.
I thought this deal would be over after Labor Day, but nope! Still going strong.
2. I sent off my out-of-network papers.
I finally got everything in order and in the mailbox!
This particular batch of bills will not get us any money back, but they will cause us to meet our out-of-network deductible.
Which means that the next batch of bills I send in will result in some dollars being sent our way.
I like having dollars sent my way. 😉
3. I ordered another book on eBay.
Someone recommended a book to me as essential reading, and it wasn’t at the library.
While it wasn’t crazy expensive on Amazon, it was half the price on eBay, with free shipping! I’m sure it’s going to take longer to get here than it would on Amazon, but that’s ok.
eBay is my jam for books lately!
4. I emailed a Ting PR person back.
This is going to be frugal for you guys, because we have a giveaway and some other money-saving stuff coming up for you!
5. I did not get a sale on dance shoes.
On Monday, I hopped online, saw dance shoes were buy one, get one 50% off at Payless, and I was pleased since Zoe needed jazz and ballet shoes.
I didn’t make it to the store on Monday, so I went on Tuesday. But lo and behold, the sale ended on Monday.

Look how little Zoe’s dance shoes use to be!
Since when do shoe sale cycles end on Mondays??
I should have checked the details of the sale a little more closely! I didn’t even think to look, due to it being early in the week.
Share your Five Frugal Things in the comments.
And feel free to sub in a frugal fail too. 😉
P.S. I know that Payless’ dance shoes are not top of the line. But Zoe has been outgrowing clothes and shoes in very short order of late and I am not about to drop a bunch of money on dance shoes right now. When she stops growing, then I will consider it.
Thursday 20th of September 2018
1. Reimbursed the points for a $200 rebate (big pain to do it, but definitely worth it for a purchase of a year's worth of contacts for which I also used insurance.) 2. Have been slowly progressing with my twice annual closet clean. Divided discarded things into 4 piles; pile 1 earned me $250 from a sale, pile 2 went to a friend who has a younger child; pile 3 is waiting for a trip to the flee market; and pile 4 into trash/recycling/attic. 3. Borrowed a neighbor's power washer and my husband washed the siding of our house that looks now bright and new again. Meanwhile, I've been spending cooler evenings weeding and cleaning up the yard. 4. Have worked from home all week, saving money in gas, parking, and time to do the extra yard work/exercise. 5. My husband got a pay raise, so we are discussing how to direct the funds to pay off bills/increase savings. ---> But, bought an expensive smart phone after researching all the other options. Having gone through some cheaper phones that did not last as long with my teenager, wanted one that lasts (my old one that's still in great shape for my teenager) and has a great camera (the new one for me!).
Ronda Dobson
Thursday 20th of September 2018
I've only got 4 frugal things, but I was very proud of them and want to pass them along:
1. I've been doing a great job of cooling our house down this week by opening the windows overnight and closing them in the morning, as opposed to running the AC (it's been kind of an Indian Summer here).
2. I've been on the lookout for something to put on one of our plain white walls (we just moved and I'm still decorating the place, as I now have a lot more wall space to cover). I found a really nice oil painting at a local thrift shop that has red hues that match my couch perfectly - and it was $12!!! Patience paid off!
3. We've been needing to clean our carpets in the new place, and I Google searched around for carpet cleaners in my area looking for the best price on what we needed. I found one, with a little digging, that has a coupon tab on their website (https://www.carpetcleanerlafayetteindiana.com/coupons/). ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS look for online coupons when having service work done in your home - they're out there, and you'll be glad you did!
4. Instead of buying too much produce at the grocery store and then throwing a third of it out when it goes bad, I've purposefully under purchased produce. I figure, if I need more, a quick trip to the store to buy a head of lettuce and some apples will not be hard. And guess what? I have yet to actually have to return. Maybe I'm not under-purchasing after all.....
Thursday 20th of September 2018
Indian summer here too...I'm anxiously awaiting a crisp fall day!
Thursday 20th of September 2018
I'm not organized enough to do five, but I like one so much that I have to share it. My range, a visually lovely dual-oven Sears Classic from 1968, was slowly losing function. It would do surface-of-the-sun oven temps with no rhyme or reason, and none of the lights worked, and one burner was all-or-nothing. One of my 18 for 2018 (Happier with Gretchen Rubin podcast!) has been to shop assiduously for a stove, and I got a little more serious about it when the lights died รขโฌโ because who knows, really, what bit might be next. I clicked on an email from Sears, and with my ancient Sears credit card and that email deal and an additional coupon code, I got a way-too-good-for-our-kitchen range for 60 percent off รขโฌโ a price less than my original goal price and a model about three steps better than I was planning to buy. Oh, and $22 in ebates. It's spending, but planned spending, and wildly good savings. (I went back to check the dimensions the next morning, and it was already $500 more.)
It is stunning how a kitchen tool that works properly simplifies cooking.
Thursday 20th of September 2018
My frugal fail is having McDonalds x 3 this week - I know... and yesterday the ring-pull on my soup broke off & I had to buy lunch instead.. Oh well, I am doing mostly better. 1. I am buying smaller amounts of fruit at a time & mostly getting through it; big achievement for me 2. Needed a new toaster & got the one I wanted on a good sale 3. Went to the movies with friends & we got cheap tickets 4. One of the friends made & brought us popcorn 5. Drove to the store on the way home tonight to get the toaster meaning no extra petrol used
Thursday 20th of September 2018
So good to hear that debts are getting paid off! I'm helping our son with his student loan and I want him debt free so he doesn't feel this kind of burden.
Anywho, here are my frugalistic five:
1) Speaking of school loans....Our son has a direct debit every month from the bank for a designated amount to pay off the loan. I found out that the day his account is debited is the day I NEED to come in and pay more of that loan off. My money goes towards principal. Any other day of that month, my money only goes towards interest. The loan will get paid off quicker this way. Who knew?!
2) I found a organic rancher that sells their products cheaper than a place I sometimes buy meat.. Cool.
3) I've been asking the fam if we have any hams in the freezer. Nope. I've been holding off on buying a ham as they're expensive. I finally went into the freezer (it's a big upright in the basement) and found 2 hams. Along with 4 turkeys.....Guess what we're NOT buying during the holiday season?
4) I finally got my vacation time and decided to clean the house. Eh, purge. I was able to put things on ebay, donate some and trash some. Things are selling.....Good.
5) I found a sale at Target on bedding and had a gift card. So, it was free.
Thursday 20th of September 2018
Haha, no one can find things like a mom can.
You'd think a ham would be hard to miss. ;)