As you know, I’ve been at my aunt and uncle’s Wisconsin cabin this week. So, I have not been meal-planning or cooking at all.
And I am sorry to say I took exactly zero food pictures this week, except for ice cream cones.
But I can share what we’ve been eating, and then at least there will be a post up for you all to share your meals!

my current view while I write this post
What We Ate
I don’t know if I’m writing these down in the correct order or not…but this is what we ate.
We had bratwurst, chips, and broccoli salad.
My aunt made enchiladas plus rice, beans, guacamole and chips and salsa.
Burger night! I’m trying to remember what we had with the burgers…a salad? raw veggies? Something along those lines.
We got carryout pizza from a local pizza shop and I do remember that we had raw veggies on the side.
My uncle grilled pork chops and my aunt made sweet potatoes and green beans.
We went out to a little local place for dinner with a trip for ice cream afterward.
And after dinner Zoe suggested a sunset mother-daughter kayak paddle, and I’m so glad she did.
We thought this tree looked like one of Bob Ross’s happy trees. 🙂
The girls and I land at 8:00 pm, which means we will be in the air at dinnertime. So, I imagine we will maybe pick up some fast food on the way home.
In the last two weeks, I have been home a total of three nights, which means I really do not have a good idea of what food is in my house.
So, tomorrow I will take stock of what’s in my fridge and make a plan for the coming week.
And I’m pretty sure a grocery run will be in order. 😉
What did you have for dinner this week?
Sunday 7th of August 2022
I love how much you are embracing opportunities like this. Truly, how wonderful to be wanted and supported. My heart is full just from reading this. Thank you for sharing!
On a food note, I made a truly random slaw-like thing to accompany some sausages: tomato, tomatillo, white onion, serrano, avocado, Mas Guapo seasoning, lime juice over shredded cabbage and topped with a dollop of sour cream. It tasted like something that would easily cost $10-15 as a tapas small plate in a fancy restaurant.
Sunday 7th of August 2022
Oooh, your concoction sounds like something I would seriously love to eat!
And yep, I love the freedom to say yes to things like the cabin trip. :)
Hawaii Planner
Sunday 7th of August 2022
Your photos are lovely! We were also on vacation (Bend, OR), so we had quite different meals than usual as well. Baked potato bar, nacho/taco bar, picked up pizza from a local place, lasagna, etc. Yesterday, after a flight home, I made a few frozen Trader Joes options, that we often keep in the freezer - veg fried rice + orange chicken.
Saturday 6th of August 2022
I was born and raised in Wisconsin - Go Badgers! - and so am so curious as to where your Uncle's cabin is located and what lake you've been having all this fun on?!
Monday 8th of August 2022
@MB in MN, @Kristen - Lovely lake and community! I am just over an hour away and have a good friend who just bought a cabin there a couple of summer's ago. Glad you were able to spend some time in WI!
MB in MN
Sunday 7th of August 2022
@Kristen, beautiful area! I'm about 45 minutes from there.
Sunday 7th of August 2022
It's at Balsam Lake!
Saturday 6th of August 2022
Yes, it is wonderful to be cooked for! We had nachos, guacamole and salsa one night and several types of salad (potato, couscous) in the early days of the week. Also slowcooker meatloaf with chips and farmer salad, and leftovers later in the week. Burgers and again, salad, the day before yesterday. Potatoes veg and meat yesterday. It was a warm and very humid week that wore me out. Still, all were properly fed. And without takeout, so I am giving myself bonus points this week. Next week will be hot too, so more nachos, by demand of the guys.
Friday 5th of August 2022
We ate well this week. And all meals at home other than potluck.
Saturday - homemade burgers, green salad Sunday - chicken breasts stuffed with asparagus and chevre, sweet potato mash Monday - potluck at my sister's lake house, we took Greek pasta salad and fruit salad Tuesday - vegetable lasagna, green salad Wednesday - scrambled eggs, toast and bacon with tomato and cucumbers on the side Thursday - leftover vegetable lasagna, green beans Friday - homemade pizza
I spent - $82.95 at Nor Frills, earning just over 30,000 PC points which equals $30.00 of free groceries. I am up to $350 on my points card and getting very good at playing the point earning game. - $28.17 at the butcher -$21 at the farmer's market I'm also very well stocked right now and will only need a few things the coming week.