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Thankful Thursday | Chiquita, many ways

This week, I am thankful:

for the many faces of Chiquita

This is why we forgive her for all of her crimes.

Chiquita with eyes closed.

Kristen cuddling with chiquita.

chiquita looking nervous.

chiquita in kristen's arms.

that I get to go to a phlebotomy class today

I saw that my hospital was offering this and I said, “Oh yes, please sign me up.”

Because as you all know, I do not feel super duper confident with blood draws at this point and I will be very grateful for some instruction.

Hopefully after this, I will be less terrified when I see that little blood draw icon on my patient to-do list at work. 🙂

for the interesting winter sights on my walks

As I always say, this is arguably not the most beautiful time of year in the woods (unless it snows!)

sunlight on a raindrop.

But there are still beautiful things to see.

icy branch in creek.

Especially when there’s ice.

icicles over a creek.

seaweed and leaves in ice.

ice puddle.

And frost.

frost on a leaf.

that Saturday is the shortest day of the year

Woohoo! The days will start getting longer again soon!

Most of us will be happy about that, except Lindsey in Alaska because she likes dark days. 😉

that this pitcher didn’t get broken

I found this vintage pitcher for Sonia, and I was a little worried it might accidentally get broken (by Chiquita. Ha.) before I could give it to Sonia.

vintage pitcher.

I delivered it safely by putting it in one of those Amazon bags and buckling it into my passenger seat. Ha.

package buckled into a seat.

that some of my credits will transfer to the BSN program

I had a zoom call with someone from one of the schools I’m considering for my BSN, and I am delighted that some of the credits I already have count toward my BSN (like my math and English credits).

(When I graduate in May, I will just have an associate’s RN, so I’ll have to keep taking classes to get my BSN with another school. But I am not anticipating that those classes will be nearly as intense as what I’m doing now. The BSN program is designed to be done by nurses who are working full-time, so it’s flexible and all online. Yay!)

that writing is not hard for me

It sounds like a fair number of the BSN classes are writing-heavy, and that is fine by me. 😉 Writing is like breathing for me, so these classes will not be particularly hard.

that I don’t mind the cold

If it’s sunny outside, I really could not care less if it’s cold. I can always put more clothes on!

sun over a lake.

Since I don’t mind the cold, that makes winter easier; I’m only dealing with my dislike of the short days.

Which, as we have just established, are about to be on their way out!

What are you thankful for this week?

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Friday 20th of December 2024

Chiquita's little face!!! I heart it! Especially love her darling little pink and speckled nose.


Friday 20th of December 2024

- When my 3 year old excitedly tells his teacher "it's Pajama day!!" - When the same 3 year old just wants to play a game with mommy - the babbles and giggles of my 8 month old - a husband who tries his darndest to help me reach my goals (even when I'm crabby about it) - I'm gainfully employed and can (mostly) provide for the family on my own.

Ellie in AR

Friday 20th of December 2024

This week I'm thankful for: The "frugal friends" and pleasant place on the internet that Kristen provides for us. Like Meira Bear,it helps remind me of my blessings that many, worldwide, do without. Our home. If I tidy it, (and don't look @ internet perfection), I will be more content. Aspirin and a place/time to rest when I have a headache that lasts half the day. The reason for the season, Faith, family, friends. Focusing on these help me ignore the commercial aspects and be more content. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all "frugal friends".

Book Club Elaine

Thursday 19th of December 2024

I'm thankful for this cheery corner of the internet. It's wonderful to go to a place that you know will always be good. Friendships that last decades. Help from DH today, writing a very difficult letter. Friends who come to lunch every week. Cute Chiquita photos - I love cats but sadly am allergic.


Thursday 19th of December 2024

1 - weather looks mostly decent for out of town kiddos Dr Iโ€™ve next week 2- for a former co-worker who recommended me for my current job. Our prior job was the best but well never see that opportunity again 3- due to #2 and my skills, another financially good year (as in meeting maximum wages for social security) 4- due to #2, the ability to support my local non-secular charities more than I could otherwise 5- for others whose heads are not in the sand re: the orange pox/tangerine menace.

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