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Q&A | Are those instant potatoes?

When you say you made mashed potatoes is that cooking them and whipping them with butter and milk or cream? I ask because a friend uses the packages- even for holiday meals. I’ve never purchased them- probably a lot of sodium. She also buys jarred gravy.


Oh yes, when I make mashed potatoes it’s always from fresh potatoes. I honestly just don’t find them to be that much work; I cut the potatoes into smallish pieces and they cook while I’m prepping whatever else I’m gonna eat for dinner.

Then it’s just a matter of mashing and adding butter, half and half, salt, and pepper, which is quick work.

eggs and mashed potatoes.

Some instant potatoes, like these ones, contain just potatoes, while some do have other ingredients. But I’m guessing that most instant potatoes don’t taste quite as good as fresh-cooked ones, so I’m just gonna stick with real potatoes.

About gravy: I don’t think I have ever bought the jarred, but then again, usually when I’m making mashed potatoes, I am eating them with something other than gravy!

mashed potatoes with shrimp.

I top mine with things like fried eggs, chicken and veggies, or shrimp and veggies.

mashed potato bowl with sausage and veggies.

When I do make a gravy like I did the other night for my rotisserie chicken, it’s usually just a quick milk gravy.

In that case, I poured the juices from the rotisserie chicken into a measuring cup and added enough milk to make a cup (if you have chicken broth handy, that’s helpful too!)

I melt a tablespoon of butter in a skillet, add a tablespoon of flour, then whisk in the liquids, bring to a boil, and season with salt and pepper.


How do you roast red peppers? Or can they be bought already roasted? In a can? Frozen? I am completely ignorant here.


You can buy roasted red peppers in a glass jar at the grocery store. But they are so easy to make, I pretty much never buy them.

roasted red peppers

I usually just roast them, sliced longways, in a foil-lined pan under the broiler until the skins are blistered and black. Then I wrap the foil around the peppers and as they cool in the packet, the skins loosen and can be easily removed.

You can also roast them a little more slowly at something like 450° but that takes longer; maybe about 20 minutes.

The roasted peppers freeze nicely, so this is a handy way to deal with a glut of peppers.

And this roasted red pepper/basil mayo is so so so good on sandwiches or as a veggie dip. 10/10!

Red pepper and basil mayo in a glass dish.

How do you like to prepare your green beans? They look so vibrant and fresh! Yum.


Yes! I like my beans to be bright green.

chicken, potatoes, and green beans on a plate.

The picture Dori was referring to. Also, there’s an example of the quick milk gravy!

And I like them to have a little crunch.

To me, canned green beans at the absolute antithesis of what a green bean should be, although I know, I know, some people really adore them. One little girl I used to babysit had cold canned green beans as her bedtime snack every night, actually.

Wanting those beans before bed was unimaginable to me, but you know, as bedtime snacks go, canned green beans are hardly the worst choice possible!

beans and tomatoes in a pan.

Anyway…I cook my beans loosely following this method, although I don’t always do the quick-steam part.

I think the most important thing is that they’re sauteed in a hot pan with a little bit of oil, plus some seasoning. Pan-sauteed beans are almost always crunchier and greener than beans that have been boiled or steamed.

And if you have only ever had canned or boiled green beans and you think you don’t like green beans, well, give the sauteed ones a try. You just might like them. 🙂

Alrighty, guys! Let’s discuss potatoes, gravy, roasted red peppers, and green beans.

(It’s a food-themed Q&A for sure!)

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Monday 20th of January 2025

Real mashed potatoes are not hard and I make them often. But I always have a a box of instant mashed potatoes in my pantry. In a pinch, they work but I most often use them as a thickener for soups like real potato soup or a creamed ham/cheese soup.


Monday 20th of January 2025

Ever since reading your green beans in a dry pan post many years ago when you first posted it, that has been the only way that I've made green beans. I don't eat them very often these days as they're too high in carbs but they are so good done this way.

Cold, canned green beans for a child's bedtime snack?! What that what?


Tuesday 21st of January 2025

@Liz B.,

Yes, they, like other legumes are indeed high in carbs.

Liz B.

Tuesday 21st of January 2025

@Tammy, Green beans are not high in carbs.


Monday 20th of January 2025

That is supposed to say "What the what?".


Monday 20th of January 2025

Mashed potatoes in the instant pot is a game changer for me. I use broth instead of water and once they steam, you just fish out the trivet from the IP and add your butter, sour cream, liquid of choice and mash away. No crossing the kitchen to drain the pot and such good flavor steamed vs boiled.

PNW Casey

Monday 20th of January 2025

I always make my own mashed potatoes and sub in plant based milk and margarine for allergy reasons. They’re not bad! I did buy some pure potato flakes for an emergency and used them for making mashed potatoes while camping. Not.A.Fan! Now, in an effort to avoid food waste and use up the big bag, I’m using them to thicken soups, which is fine. On the other hand, instant hash browns, are just fine!

I like to stir fry green beans, but still want them soft. I love to eat raw green beans! And, always have a can or two around for a last-minute side dish or bean salad.

Early on, I occasionally blenderized my too lumpy gravy; but, I can’t remember the last time that happened. The key is really to make the slurry ahead and blend in slowly. Stirring is an absolute necessity. If someone helps me in the kitchen, I will always compliment them … “you sure did get a good stir on that gravy!”


Monday 20th of January 2025

Mashed potatoes with green peas: my comfort foods. I use the real potatoes, peel them, boil them and mash with a potato masher. When my kids were young, they considered mashed potatoes to be a treat. My son used to call them "smashed potatoes" as in "Yay, we're having smashed potatoes tonight."

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