Today’s the last day of 2024, and like so many others on the internet today, I’m looking back over the last 365 days.
December 31st is a day for navel-gazing behavior, I guess. Ha.
This has honestly felt like one of the shortest years of my life, and I think that’s because it has largely been taken up by nursing school (which as you know, has been pretty all-consuming for me).
It’s been a good kind of all-consuming, though!
When I think back to where I was a year ago, I am amazed at how much I have learned about nursing this year.
Last year at this time, I’d had only a handful of clinical days, and no PCT shifts; now I’ve had dozens of clinical days and perhaps even more importantly, lots of PCT shifts.
(PCT: patient care tech, aka my job at the hospital.)
I am a million times more confident and experienced than I was a year ago, and that makes me happy. I have a lot more head knowledge, yes, but I also am significantly more competent with my clinical skills.
My other most significant event was the finalization of my divorce. And the most significant 2024 impact of that was financial for me.
I’d already felt fairly free practically-speaking, because I’d been separated for two years by the time the divorce was finalized.
But financial freedom was brand new to me in 2024. Not only did I stop having to pay legal bills, I also got my payout from the equity in the marital home.
So, I stopped being almost-broke!
PLUS: for the first time in my adult life, I got to experience truly having complete financial autonomy.
(I got engaged at 18 and married at 19. I do not recommend this, but it is what I did.)
It’s so wild to be totally in control of my finances. And it’s very nice. 🙂 All of my money and assets are just mine. Woohoo!
Divorce was expensive, yes. And I did technically lose 50% of my material wealth. But oddly way, I actually feel richer than I did before.
And I feel full of hope for my financial future! I should be able to make really good progress toward my financial goals in the next few years because I am free to make all of my own choices.
I have options like I never have before, and I am delighted about that.
Next year
Everyone is busy making resolutions for the coming year, and honestly, I cannot get into a resolution-making mindset.
Mainly that’s because the main things I’m gonna be doing this year are:
- finish nursing school
- pass the NCLEX
- start a nursing job
- start my BSN program
Really, though, once I finished my nursing program and pass the NCLEX, I feel like a lot of mental fog will clear.
And then maybe I can think about what other things I want to accomplish.
But for now, I’m just gonna put my head down and get through fourth semester. Other ambitions can get put on the side temporarily; this is not the time for big new aspirations.
(Though of course I will keep slowly learning Spanish, and I will keep walking and going to the gym! Those are well-engrained habits I know I can maintain.)
Some people pick a word for the year, and I don’t know, maybe mine is “maintain”. For now, I just wanna keep on doing what I’m already doing!
Friday 3rd of January 2025
Happy New Year! And congratulations on your new financial freedom. That's got to be huge! So happy for you and for your future.
Thursday 2nd of January 2025
Sounds like a great word and very worthy goals! Maybe consistency goes along side that too. Happy new year!
Thursday 2nd of January 2025
Hi Kristen, what is the different between a BSN and a nursing programme? I'm not from the USA so this always confuses me!
Wednesday 1st of January 2025
I have a phrase for 2025: "Clean it up, clear it out". Gonna work to apply that to all aspects of my life. It will be a challenge, that's for sure!
Wednesday 1st of January 2025
Wow, you are in the home stretch of nursing school! You probably alternate between a little bit of senioritis and excitement because you are so close to being done. I'm thrilled you are going to pursue a BSN, and perhaps you will feel motivated to go beyond that, too. I predict you might proceed to nurse practitioner. You would be awesome in that role (but don't think about it too hard right now!).
Happy New Year!