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Happy 2024!

Happy New Year to you!

I had a quiet New Year’s Eve, involving exactly zero partying, which is exactly how I like it. 😉

There was also zero staying-up-until-midnight, which again, is exactly how I like it. Midnight and I are not friends.

I went for a walk by the water, and when I got home, I decided to clean out my messy carport.


Then I randomly decided to vacuum out and wipe down the inside of my van, since like most other things in my life, it had gotten a little messy over the semester.

Sienna passenger seat.

In so doing, I took out the second-hand bookshelf that had been riding in my car for a few weeks.

And then I was like, “Hmmm, well, I do already have the extension cords out. Maybe I should just go ahead and sand the bookshelf.”

So I did, and after I dusted it off, Zoe helped me bring it inside, where I primed and painted it.

primed bookshelf.

just a primer coat

And it’s almost done, except I need some caulk for the gaps (always necessary with white paint!).

partially-painted bookshelf.

And also I am a little nervous that I’m going to run out of my Cloud White paint right before I’m done with the bookshelf. There’s not a lot left in my bucket.

white paint being rolled on top of a bookshelf.


I know New Year’s Day is a classic time to be setting goals, but honestly, I don’t have any fresh new goals.

Mainly, my hope is to keep up the status quo, doing things like:

  • passing nursing school
  • maintaining my exercise habits
  • maintaining my eating habits
  • maintaining my sleeping habits
  • maintaining my relationships with my kids
  • maintaining my blog

If I can manage to keep all of that going in this nursing-school phase of life, I’ll be content.

My therapist suggested that I look back over the last year and take stock of what I have accomplished and how I have grown, so maybe that’s a good assignment for today, since I’m not in a goal-setting mode. 🙂

What about you? Do you have goals? A word of the year? Something else?

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Tuesday 2nd of January 2024

It's beginning to look as if 2024 is really 2023 part 2 here. The expenses are already lining up: dog surgery, needed car repairs, much-needed shower remodel, and more. Was really hoping things would taper off, but doesn't look like it anytime soon.

NYE was a toughie, with 3 separate falls and an ER visit that day for hubby, so he went to bed early. The neighbors shot off a few firecrackers at midnight--lasted about a minute and a half--and that was it. The dog never even woke up. I tossed the last half of a miniature of Kahlua into a cup of eggnog and that was my party! lol

New Year's Day itself was better, though. We both took it easy, watched a couple of movies (TV didn't start acting up til today), and then our wonderful handyman called and said the new steps he built for the garage entrance into the house were ready. So he brought them on over and installed them, and brought an old handle he was able to screw to the door frame for Jack to grab, both of which have greatly increased the safety factors. While he was here, he installed the new elevated toilet seat I had ordered, and it's working so well, we ordered a second one for the other bathroom. Having watched, I think I can install the second one myself. Between those changes and the PT, I'm hoping we can make my man's world a little safer and easier to navigate.

Neither of us does New Year's resolutions any more, because every day is a new start isn't it, and no one is promised more than that. But I am a list-maker, and I have been making small changes and taking small steps and trying to show big gratitude to the One who numbers my days. "Inch by inch, everything's a cinch, but by the yard it's hard!"


Tuesday 2nd of January 2024

Aww, I am so sorry to hear your NYE was so rough!

I'm glad to hear you have some things in place to help reduce the fall risk. Good good.

Linda Phillips

Tuesday 2nd of January 2024

I like going to bed before midnight too. But, who can sleep with fireworks bursting for hours all around the neighborhood? Happy 2024 Everyone!

Kim from Philadelphia

Tuesday 2nd of January 2024

So proud of your accomplishments during this very hard year โ˜บ๏ธ


Tuesday 2nd of January 2024

Thank you! I feel pretty proud of myself too; I juggled a lot of hard things without dropping too many of them. So, yay for 2023 Kristen!


Tuesday 2nd of January 2024

I've never commented before but felt I should thank you all for the positive and hopeful outlooks to the new year. This crowd is very supportive as well and I find it all uplifting and helpful, so thank you. No late night celebrating for us, no new year's resolutions either, just one foot in front of the other and hoping this year is better than last.


Tuesday 2nd of January 2024

Aww, I'm so happy to hear this!


Monday 1st of January 2024

No new goals, just trying to reestablish prior habits: eating more nutritiously; doing my PT exercises regularly; getting back to walking, stretching, and some weights work; and a more regular sleep schedule. It's been quite a year, including helping a close friend with a months-long illness, and I'd like a semblance of a non-crazy life this year please.

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