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A really quick Five Frugal Things

It’s been a good Monday morning so far…I worked out, showered, took Sonia to her tutorial, went to Aldi and another store, and did some laundry. And it’s not quite 11:00 am.

But I did not write a blog post. So, we’re gonna just have a quick little Five Frugal Things today. 😉

1. I bought marked-down flowers.

Aldi flowers

Aldi had these marked down to $1.99 (originally $5.99 or $6.99, I think), so even though they were looking a little bit sad, I bought two of them.

I think with a little water and sunshine, they’ll perk up just fine in the two pots by my front door.

2. I caught a wrong price.

English muffins were supposed to be Buy 1, Get 2 Free, but only one of mine rang up as free.

Thomas English Muffins

So, I visited the customer service desk and got my money back.

3. I bought marked-down Chex.

I think the holiday recipe on the back is the reason for the markdown, but I don’t care about that. The Chex don’t expire until August, which is all that matters to me.

Chex markdown

4. I bought bacon instead of pancetta.

A pound of Aldi bacon costs several dollars less than a tiny package of pancetta elsewhere (which was $5.99. Geez.)

If Aldi ever carries it again as a special buy, it’ll be affordable and I’ll make this pasta recipe with pancetta. Until then, bacon it is.

I know pancetta is probably very delicious (I’ve never had it!), but bacon is also very delicious, so….

5. I…

…bought most of my groceries at Aldi (almost always the most affordable choice), picked up a used book for Sonia at tutorial, brewed my coffee at home, packed some snacks for Mr. FG to take to work, and did my workout at home (cheaper than a gym in the long run), and started a batch of homemade yogurt.

Your turn! Share your Five Frugal Things in the comments.

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Thursday 16th of May 2019

1. I ate a big cold cut sandwich...home made...with instant coffee for breakfast. 2. I cut off an ugly pair of pants to make ugly garden shorts. Spent an hour out there planting lily bulbs and broke open a plastic pot of bargain day lilies from Lowe's sale last year and divided and planted. 3. Gave neighbor bag of unopened crackers, aldi hummas, cheese slices, several oranges for their road trip snacks. 4. Washing 2 huge loads in cold...instead of little dink loads all week. 5. Pushed zinnias seeds into soil everywhere I planted lilies.

Mary Ann

Tuesday 14th of May 2019

Those plants look like coreopsis, a perennial, so they may not bloom all summer (mine don't). But if you put them in the ground where they get some sun (doesn't have to be all day), they'll come back next year and start spreading.


Tuesday 14th of May 2019

1) My husband repurposed a piece of wood from an old project to make a table top cover for our dogโ€™s crate. We then moved the crate to the end of a couch for a make shirt end table.

2) Painted myself rather than paying someone

3) Realized we went a little overboard buying gifts for my sonโ€™s birthday and put one away for Christmas.

4) Made my sonโ€™s birthday cookie rather then buying it. I also brought in ice cream sandwiches for his class treat, much less expensive than store bought cupcakes.

5) we knew Saturday would be busy with home projects and other activities so we bought a premade fajitas kit at Costco. More expensive than making them from scratch but significantly less than take out or going out to dinner. We even had leftovers.


Tuesday 14th of May 2019

Way to go Kristen; kicking goals - I'm with Kaitlin; I prefer bacon to pancetta...

1. Yummy free lunch at free professional development session today 2. Coordinated errands to make it quicker & less petrol 3. Got a pair of really nice grey wool pants from the op-shop for $7 4. Took tea in thermos as is my custom on errands etc 5. Wonderful time with family on skype 6. Shopped at aldi 7. Watched dvd's with my sis & home cooked dinner Frugal fail - still not doing great with cutting out takeaway but getting lots done that really needs doing


Tuesday 14th of May 2019

William- Sorry about your fails. Hoping for a better week for you.. Stephanie- Well, at least an animal enjoyed the chicken. So, it didn't go to waste, right?

Here's my fab frugal five:

I bought 5 plants- spearmint and thyme....For 99 cents each.on clearance. It's been raining a lot but I hope the sun can dry them at some point. They're perennials so they should come back every year.... Savings- $20

My insurance company has two of my meds on the "not approved" list. But my doc fought for them and one got approved! Saves me $225/mth! The other can be purchased for $125/mth LESS than the discount price that the supermarket wants to give me, if I buy from Walmart.... So, that's where I'll go for that one. Cool. Savings- $350/mth

DH needed a car and found a really good one at a dealership. He pays $200/mth for it. He did buy the extended warranty for $3000. which I wouldn't have done, however. But the car is 14 years old with only 85,000 miles, so maybe that was smart? Savings- $20,000 versus new car

My nephew's birthday is coming up so he got a GC from Swagbucks with a bit of cash.... Savings- $25

We didn't go out for Mother's Day. I just asked for a card, if the family felt the need to give me something.... Savings- $80

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