What I Spent
Let’s see. I know this is gonna be a high week!
I spent:
- $114 at Aldi
- $35 at Safeway
- $12 at Target
- $30 on a Hungry Harvest box
And that makes $191 for me this week.
What We Ate
We all were out with friends/family in various places for dinner; no cooking for me!
I made burgers, and we had potato chips and fruit on the side.
Grilled cheese sandwiches, tomato soup, and fruit.
We did a breakfast-for-dinner night: waffles, fruit, whipped cream, bacon, and orange juice.
My Hungry Harvest box came with both kale and potatoes, so it seemed like a good night to make a pot of zuppa toscana.
That soup is basically a one-pot meal, but I also cut up some fruits and veggies to eat on the side.
Sonia turned 19! She wanted to go to Red Lobster for her birthday, so that’s where we went.

I get that lobster is their theme, but why is there such a thing as Lobster Punch? It makes me think it has lobsters in it!
After dinner, we came back to my house for present opening.
And I made hot fudge pudding cake (which we ate with ice cream, of course!).
Hot fudge pudding cake is not ideal for candles, but we did the best we could.
I didn’t think to buy candles, but I remembered that I had a package of birthday candles that I’d rescued from the abandoned house. Perfect!
I will probably make a decision on this after I organize my fridge; I need to figure out what needs to be used in there!
Tuesday 7th of March 2023
Expensive week for us, which is not surprising after some low ones. But most of that was at BJs where I only go once a month; it should balance out.
$185 at Wegmans plus $44 at the farm stand makes $229 in typical week shopping. Then, there was $347 at BJs and $75 at Shaw's, both of which I only go every 4-6 weeks, for a long term total of $422. So, something like $350 total applies to this week.
At this point I don't remember meals well, but we had homemade pizza; scallops with braised potatoes and green beans; pork roast with braised potatoes and salad; beef tenderloin with parsnip puree and spinach salad; and something unknown!
Saturday 4th of March 2023
I eat ham and cheese sandwiches made with publix bread I like. I put sweet onion slices on it and slice an apple to eat with it. I can eat the same thing over and over. It doesn't bother me
Ginger Bruce
Saturday 4th of March 2023
Happy birthday, Sonia. My birthday is the 3rd, so we almost share a birthday. I never remember what I ate or how much I spend. I am being more aware and using up the things that need to be eaten because of this group. Thank you.
Saturday 4th of March 2023
It was moving week for me, so I gave myself a lot of grace. My favorite things: --3/$11 sale salad bowls, the kind that come with forks because cutlery wasn't a priority item for me to leave with --$25 on pasta and pizza (w/ tip) delivery! because my old place was too out of the way so delivery wasn't even an option --$20 on a burger-and-fries night w a beer, and live music
I'll get my items sorted and "take stock" before shopping.
Central Calif. Artist
Friday 3rd of March 2023
Kristen, I got a hot fudge pudding cake recipe out of a Mother Earth News magazine about 100 years ago! It used oat bran, vegetable oil, and hot coffee. . . but the process and results were the same (well, caffeine. . .) Awesome. This was back in the day when fat was the enemy but if it was vegetable oil, then you got a pass for the fat. It is fascinating to see how food fads keep changing.
Saturday 4th of March 2023
Oh yes, I am old enough to remember when vegetable oils were king!