What I Spent
As you know, I finished my mental health/med surg class this week, and you guys, I got a 95/100 on my final! And it was literally 100 questions, so that means I managed to choose 95 correct answers. Props to my brain for that. 😉

It just says “not submitted” because it’s not an assignment that I submit myself in Canvas. I really did take the test! 😉
I finished the class with a 95.95% grade, a number that is either very satisfying (the repeating numbers!) or slightly annoying (so close to a nice round 96%).
But regardless, my hard work paid off, and I am so very, very happy. Yay! Just 1.5 more semesters left to go.
Anyway, these last few weeks have felt like a busy blur. I have a few days before pediatrics starts, so I’m really going to try to get the non-school parts of my life in order.
Be forewarned…I am super duper fuzzy about what we ate this week.
But I can tell you that my grocery spending was: $27 at Safeway.
What We Ate
I worked a 12-hour shift and we ate some leftover pizza when I got home.

Not the actual pizza; this one’s from my files. I failed at dinner pictures this week!
Zoe was out with a friend, and I think I just ate the rest of the leftover pizza.
I have absolutely, positively no idea. Ha.
Zoe had some canned soup and a grilled cheese, and I had some mashed sweet potatoes topped with a fried egg.
It was the day of my cumulative final. I spent the first half of the day helping my friend study, and then we took our big ol’ exam.
And at dinnertime, I made French toast because…easy.
I worked another 12-hour shift at the hospital (my second one for this pay period) because I wanted to knock out both of my required shifts before my pediatrics class started.
I came home, ate a ham sandwich, showered, and went almost straight to bed. 😉
Honestly, perhaps we will get some takeout tonight. I spent very little on groceries this week, and the successful completion of an 8-week class deserves a small celebration, I think. 🙂
Kim from Philadelphia
Saturday 19th of October 2024
Yeah, Kristen! Congratulations!!!
Saturday 19th of October 2024
Sunday: beef roast, mashed potatoes and gravy, carrots Monday: chicken noodle soup, bread Tuesday: Chinese food Wednesday: taco spaghetti skillet, garlic bread Thursday: pizza Friday: subs
Elizabeth M
Saturday 19th of October 2024
Congratulations on getting such a good grade! You definitely deserve a celebration.
What I spent: $51 at Walmart
What I ate: Friday - scrambled eggs with nutritional yeast for a cheesy flavor, mandarin orange slices afterward Saturday - I made a gluten free chicken pot pie with a biscuit topping. First time I've made this since going gluten free, and it was very good. Sunday - gluten free dino chicken nuggets and potato smiles, with part of a mint dark chocolate bar for dessert Monday - ditto Tuesday - canned chili (Great Value brand, surprisingly good for the price) with Daiya brand gluten free, dairy free mac and cheese Wednesday - I just had a sunbutter and raisin sandwich on gf bread Thursday - dino nuggets and potato smiles again Friday - lentil soup served over mashed potatoes
Friday 18th of October 2024
Friday โ better half baked cod, boiled baked potatoes and carrots, I ate leftover steak pan fried with boiled potatoes and red peppers. Leftover green beans sauteed with bacon and home grown garlic for both of us. Saturday - dine out burgers/fries. Burger/custard chain (not Culver's). Reminds me of what Steak-n-Shake used to be Sunday - dine out Mexican Monday - take out sushi Tuesday - meatloaf, baked potatoes (purchased at farmer's market) Wednesday - eggs, fried potatoes, toast, piece of leftover Spam from freezer/strip of bacon for each of use. Thursday - grilled cheeseburgers, potato salad, and asparagus Friday - better half made himself a pizza. Score at the grocery store - Angus Delmonico ribeyes - each a bit over 12 ounces, mark down to $29 and change (were almost $50). I had one tonight (froze half) with potato salad, other two went into the freezer for later.
Ruth T
Friday 18th of October 2024
Enjoy your weekend of letting your brain rest! :)