I don’t think I’ve ever done this before! I’ve seen a lot of other bloggers rounding up their most popular posts from the last year, though, and I thought I’d give it a try.
The thing is, I’m not quite sure how to get my stats program to sort out only posts I’ve written in the last year, so this list is a combo of new and old posts (which means it’s not a strict top ten list, but hopefully it’ll suffice).
1. How to Paint Wooden Furniture
This is always the top post every year and almost every day.
Somehow, even though I know very little about SEO, this post has become the number one search result if you type “How to paint wooden furniture” into Google. Probably a number of you reading this post today found my blog because of this particular post.
If you’re wanting to rehab some old furniture, this post is the place to start! I talk about my method and the tools and products I use. Plus, there are links to some fun before and after posts, showing old furniture I painted.
2. How to Make Homemade Yogurt
Another oldie but goodie. If you eat a lot of yogurt at your house, making your own could save you tons of money. A gallon of milk makes a gallon of yogurt and you simply can’t buy a gallon of yogurt for the price of a gallon of milk!
3. Reuse, Refresh, Repurpose
This was my announcement post about my ebook. Thank you all so much for supporting this effort of mine!
4.What to buy (and not buy) at Aldi
If you’re a new Aldi shopper, this post (and the comments) should be really helpful to you.
(those are some of the super delicious grapefruit my Aldi sells in the winter)
5. Some Bottled Water Thoughts (and maybe some rants)
I wrote this post after watching the Tapped documentary, and it was a hot topic. I’m usually pretty “live and let live” but our culture’s obsession with bottled water drives me crazy, so I was more firm in this post than I typically am.
6. How to avoid the “My homemade food must be fat-free, sugar-free, salt-free, and 100% whole grain!” mindset
In this post I discuss a common problem new from-scratch cooks encounter when they realize just how much fat/sugar/salt some common foods call for (when really, the commercial versions call for just as much or more).

7. By Popular Request…my new schedule/routine
Last March, I went away for 24 hours all by myself and I used the time to draw up a time budget and schedule. Of course, now that Mr. FG’s work schedule is upside-down, I really need to make a new plan!
8. Dear World,
This one’s pretty recent. I wrote it on a day when I was feeling really frustrated and discouraged over some negative feedback I’d been getting, and you, dear readers, left me such encouraging comments. I’m so grateful for you!
9. What I think of extreme couponing
I’m not anti-couponing per se, but coupons aren’t an integral part of my grocery-shopping strategy. As a follow-up to this post, I wrote about How to Save Money on Groceries Without Coupons.
10. Wednesday Not-Baking | Energy Balls
Gotta have at least one recipe in the list. 😉 If you like cookie dough, you’ll love these. They’re super easy to make and don’t even require an oven.
Well, that was a fun post to write! I should do this every year. It’s so interesting to see which of my posts end up having popularity staying power.
If I hand-picked my favorite posts from the last year, though, the list would probably be a little bit different…I have a soft spot for things like my photo essays.
If you feel so inspired, tell me your favorite type of Frugal Girl post (or if you have one, share your favorite). I’m curious if your favorites match up with this top ten list.
Today’s 365 post: Organized.
Joshua’s 365 post: Loneliness
Sunday 1st of January 2012
Thank you so much for posting this list! When I first found out we were getting an aldi near me, I posted a comment...and went back and read your "What not to buy at Aldi" post (#4 on your list here). And I didn't even think to read the comments until I read this list! Thank you for sharing. I read and will most likely be returning after my Aldi opens!
Rachel B
Saturday 31st of December 2011
My husband just rented Tapped from the library; I had similar thoughts when I started watching it and was also disgusted by the end of it. And I just threw away our water bottles that aren't BPA free. Thanks for the no-bake energy balls recipe; I make those often!
Saturday 31st of December 2011
Found your blog about 1/2 year ago from your CBN video on youtube. Love it so much. Thank you for sharing, teaching, living, loving, writing. Your writing and pictures makes me smile. I love your e-book too. My favorite post of yours is your anniversary post, and simplicity, and many others. Keep being a blessing and inspiration. :)
Lisa VanderLoon
Friday 30th of December 2011
This is my first time writing on your blog, but I read every day. I look forward the new and creative recipes you post. My family is now eating homemade yogurt, whole wheat bread (which I learned how to knead from your post), granola, pizza.... I have made a new commitment to making more of our food. I search for recipes daily and have yet to fail. I have even shared some of your recipes with my co-workers. Thank you for blogging and sharing your life with all of us, it is truly a blessing! Best wishes for 2012!
Tasmanian Minimalist
Friday 30th of December 2011
A nice varied bunch of posts we all got stuck into, great list x