New here? Thankful Thursday is something we’ve been doing in these COVID times; an exercise to help us hunt for the good that is in our lives and in the world, even in the midst of a pandemic.
It’s Thursday! Time to exercise our thankfulness muscles, everyone!
(Imagine me as a perky 1980s aerobics instructor, except I’m helping you be thankful instead of teaching you dated dance moves. Also, I’m making a rule that we are not wearing leg warmers.)
This week, I am thankful:
that our insurance covered a provider
I wasn’t sure they would cover this one, so I submitted the first two bills to see what would happen.
It took a long time, but they just cleared those two appointments. Woohoo!
So yesterday I sent the other four in, which means two checks should eventually be coming our way.
that a lot of my college credits are going to be useful
I have 31 credits from 1996/1997, and when I talked to an advisor yesterday, I found out that a fair number of them work as prerequisites for the nursing program.
So, I’m pretty happy about that! It’s nice to have my work pay off, even if it was 23 years ago.
that my mom gave me a good solid education
My 18/19 year old straight-out-of-homeschool self got straight As, so if I go back to college, I’ll be starting with a very good GPA.

me, fresh out of high school
Before college, my mom was my only teacher aside from my kindergarten teacher. So I figure she deserves most of the credit for grades.
that Zoe helped me do some decluttering
Zoe is a minimalist at heart, so she’s very good at decluttering. She helped me with the laundry room and the under-the-stairs closet, and they’re in much better shape now.
for how easy it is to give things away online
I love how simple it is to put the word out on the internet after I declutter.
I love to give my extra and unneeded stuff to someone who really can use it and Facebook groups make it really easy to keep it very local.
Related: Here’s how to declutter without creating trash
that my thumb is feeling better
My nail got a little separated from the skin at the tip, and it got infected. In fact, my whole thumb swelled up!
Happily, I was able to treat it at home, and it feels so, so much better now.
that I can cut up peaches again
My thumb got infected shortly after I bought a box of bruised peaches. And the thumb that got infected is an important one for cutting and peeling peaches.
Since my thumb is all better now, I’ve been able to slice and freeze all the rest of the peaches.
(Here’s how I freeze summer peaches.)
that seasons change
We’ve had some pretty hot and humid days this week, but I am feeling very zen about it because I know that the heat is coming to an end pretty soon.
Usually right about the time I think I can’t stand more heat, autumn arrives.
And right about the time I think I can’t stand any more gray and cold, spring arrives.
What are you thankful for this week?
Jem Horwood
Sunday 6th of September 2020
I'm thankful that my two-year granddaughter is visiting for a few hours today! Also that later, two of my step-daughters and their partners are coming for a barbeque. I'm thankful for an exciting visit to the raptors center with my son and grandson yesterday. We saw eagles, ravens, hawks, owls and vultures up close! I'm thankful that so far, I'm not losing many returning piano students due to the ongoing covid measures. And finally, I'm thankful it's possible to offer online lessons or a hybrid plan this fall, even if I wish summer would continue for another few months. :)
Saturday 5th of September 2020
Good for you! I graduated with my Doctorate last year at age 43 and am so glad I went back to school. I hadn’t been in a classroom for almost 20 years.
Linda W.
Friday 4th of September 2020
I’ve been reading this blog for awhile now and never posted, but today I’m so thankful to be released from a brace after badly breaking my leg which required surgery six weeks ago. Also grateful that I can start putting some weight on my leg again building up to full weight in four weeks.
Thankful for my 90-year-old mother who is healthy and active enough to fly 1,000 miles to come help me through my recuperation.
Grateful for the many friends and family who have prayed for my recovery and have sent cards and gift cards and brought us numerous meals.
Thankful for my husband who, despite not feeling all that great after going through a long and terrible health crisis of his own, has still worked to make things easier for me during this time.
So thankful to God for getting us through all this and for everyone on this blog who has shared the many things they have to be grateful for. God bless you all!
Monday 7th of September 2020
LindaW---What an inspiring attitude you have! And I'm going to stop and pray for you and your husband.
Saturday 5th of September 2020
So glad you are feeling better now.
I have to say, I am massively impressed that your mom is able to help out at the age of 90. Good for her!
Heidi Louise
Friday 4th of September 2020
Wonderful that your college credits transferred! Can you get "life experience" credits as well, to acknowledge the work you have done outside of college? And congratulations on your outstanding GPA! though know that only you will know that. If it is as at other colleges I know of, the credits transfer, but the grade point average doesn't. Your GPA will be based on only the college you are at. (And no, I don't know why this is. Schools accept other schools' credits with a grade of C or C-/not sure, and mark them all passed. Classes with D and F final grades don't transfer. But always ask at the school for sure).
Friday 4th of September 2020
Luckily for me, the credits I have are at the same college I'm looking at for a nursing degree! I just meant "transfer" in the sense that before, I was working toward a general transfer degree and now I'm wanting to get into the nursing program. So, I was delighted that a lot of the classes I did before are the same ones that are prerequisites for the nursing program.
Friday 4th of September 2020
❤Thankful for my husband and daughter, the loves of my life
Thankful for curiosity and creativity, both help me recenter when I feel anxious
Thankful for Fall, the season gives me a fresh perspective on daily walks/drives
Thankful for all that my parents modeled/taught me, unconditional love, work ethic, common sense, citizenship
✔ All on this community who share uplifting gratitude every Thursday!