My husband and I are facing a frugal dilemma that I would love reader’s input on. For the last couple of years our gas oven (also a gas range) has struggled to hold a steady temperature.It does not seem old but I’ve only lived in this house for three years. It’s a GE “TrueTemp” oven (oh the irony).I know gas ovens should expect to have temperature fluctuations but this goes much beyond that. I thought it might be a thermostat issue because it “thinks” it is still at the temperature I set but the reality is that the temperature has dropped 100-150 degrees.However, the last time I tried to use the oven, it would not heat up a first. (After about an hour of switching in on and off it finally got up to temperature.)My husband and I have been advised to just buy new and not bother with repairs. We have been told that between to price of the service call, parts and install we will pay a LOT of money and in the end it might not be fixable. We really hate to just throw out the oven for environmental concerns but we do want to be frugal and wise.
My goodness, that sounds SO frustrating! It would not be the end of the world for something like a pot roast, but if you were trying to bake a cake or a crusty loaf of bread, that amount of temperature fluctuation would be a bit of a disaster.
So, I completely understand why you want to get this fixed or replaced.
When I make a decision like this, I try to consider things like:
- the age of the appliance (if it’s very old, other things might go wrong soon too, and replacement parts might be hard to get)
- the cost of replacement (if the service call is going to add up to half the cost of a replacement, then that’s an argument for not fixing the old one)
Remember when I cracked the glass top of the stove at my old house?
In that case, the new stovetop didn’t make a lot of sense, especially given how old my oven was. You can read through my thinking on that in this post.
Luckily, I knew precisely what was wrong with my stove (ha!), so it was easy to figure out how much a replacement would cost.
In your case, there are more unknowns, so that makes it harder.
If we were chatting I’d ask you:
- Who advised you? If they’re experienced and knowledgeable about repairing gas ovens, I’d take their advice seriously. When I cracked my stovetop, I called my trusty appliance repair guy to ask his opinion!
- How much is a service call in your area?
- Are parts readily available for your oven?
- How much would a new gas stove/oven be?
- Would the new gas stove have some better features that would be valuable to you?
Also, you’ve probably already done this, but I’d definitely google my oven’s symptoms to see if I could get a vague idea of what the problem might be, because that might help me get a ballpark idea of what a repair would involve.
I am not at ALL a gas oven expert, though, so I’m gonna stop typing here and open the floor up for reader input.
Friday 18th of October 2024
We have this exact thing happening with our oven. We had a repair service come and test it out and troubleshoot the problem. There is a part that needs replaced ( I forget what it was called ) and when he looked it up online, the price of the part is as almost much as a new one. He advised us to buy a new one, and in fact he told us he would not repair that one even if we wanted to go that route.
Thursday 17th of October 2024
Replace it. I just spent $600 on mine and should have started over.
Thursday 17th of October 2024
I had the same problem with my gas oven a few months ago. It was a bad igniter. Looked at my oven's model number and ordered a new one off Amazon for approx $25. My son installed it, with no previous experience with the help of a You-tube video and my oven works as good as new!
Wednesday 16th of October 2024
I would try an appliance repair first. You can ask the cost of a service call up front so you know what you are getting into. We bought a new house a few years ago with a gas range already in it. I didn't recognize the brand at all and the burners didn't work. I was going to toss it (terrible, I know) but my realtor encouraged me to at least get a repair guy to come out and look at it. I live in a large metropolitan area of 2M+ people so I had several appliance repair services to choose from. I used Yelp to make my pick based on reviews. I picked a small business owner and had a guy show up in a rickety mini van with no business name on it (I was convinced was going to kidnap me). He ended up being the nicest guy and told me the only thing that was wrong with my $5K!!!!! blue star oven was that the burners needed to be cleaned. So for $75, the service call prevented me from throwing out a $5K stove. I have since used the same appliance repair service for several other appliance repairs.
My short answer is if you can get an appliance repair service call for $75 to $125, it may be worth at least getting an opinion on repair costs. Best of luck to you!!
Wednesday 16th of October 2024
Iโm in Texas. Recently my GE oven just stopped working. (The stovetop burners worked fine.) the stove is five years old. We called a repairman, who diagnosed the problem as a bad igniter. He quoted $300 to replace it. My husband said heโd let him know if we decided to have him replace it. ( he wanted to see if someone would do it for less). We looked on Amazon and found the part for $25, called to ask if they would install it for us and they said yes and for only $100! It literally took the man 10 minutes to replace the teeny tiny part.