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Our blue Cookie Monster tree

So, about our blue tree…

You know how I told you we bought a blue Christmas tree?

blue christmas tree

Well. It was Lisey’s idea.

She really loves Sesame Street characters; in fact, she wears Sesame Street socks to her job at Valvoline.

(Everyone knows that you can change oil better in Big Bird socks.)

Her boss at work obviously knows she loves Sesame Street, so he showed her a picture of a Cookie Monster tree.

She texted it to me from work, and within 15 minutes, we’d all approved of the idea and I had a blue tree in my cart from Wayfair. 😉

Lisey with a blue tree

We have never had a fake tree before, and when we opened this one up, we were a little shocked at how scrawny the branches were.

blue Wayfair Christmas tree

And then we realized, duh! You have to fan out the branches.

Lisey and Sonia with a blue Christmas tree

The fluffing REALLY helped.

We added lights, a hat, eyes, and a mouth, and we were all set.

How to make a Cookie Monster Christmas tree

For the eyes, I bought white styrofoam balls and then I used self-adhesive black felt to make the eyeballs.

Cookie Monster Christmas tree eyeballs

The mouth is made of foam board, and at first, I couldn’t think how I was going to sketch a symmetrical shape for the mouth. None of our compasses expand far enough for that!

So I looked around the house for a big circle and I spied the bowl of our usual Christmas tree base. That worked great.

How to make a Cookie Monster Christmas tree mouth

We did have to buy some new lights because all of our Christmas lights have a green cord, which looked super weird on a blue tree.

So we used two strings of these LED lights. 

Since they’re LEDs, and since the tree is fake, it’s no biggie to leave them on all day. Which is nice on a dark December day!

Cookie Monster blue Christmas tree

Zoe had the idea to buy a chocolate chip cookie ornament to hang by Cookie Monster’s mouth, so I ordered one from Etsy. It just hasn’t arrived yet.

Will we use this tree again in the future? I don’t know. I might try to sell it to someone else who wants to make a Cookie Monster tree.

But for the moment, this tree is fulfilling Lisey’s Christmas dreams, and that’s worth it to me even if we only use it for one season.

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Friday 18th of December 2020

Funny tree!

Grandma Bev

Thursday 17th of December 2020

Clearly the Blue tree is Great, good job. I would have guessed all those cookies right... If I had guessed. He ha


Tuesday 15th of December 2020

This made me smile! Sesame street is special.

kristin@going country

Tuesday 15th of December 2020

That is one crazy tree. I'm glad it made Lisey happy.


Wednesday 16th of December 2020

Lisey + all the people who have viewed it on the internet now! We are spreading Cookie Monster joy. :)

Heather E.

Tuesday 15th of December 2020

Love Cookie Monster Tree!! I only guessed Sonia's cookie. Sonia = Fashion.

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