When I was a kid, a friend of mine gave me a cinnamon applesauce heart, and I remember keeping it as one of my special treasures for quite some time. I think I kept it in one of my dresser drawers, and I remember that it smelled good for ages.
I’d kind of forgotten about that until recently when I saw a couple of cinnamon applesauce ornament recipes circulating around the web.
So, I thought it would be fun to make a batch.
Fortunately, they’re really simple and they require only a few inexpensive ingredients.
What ingredients do you need for cinnamon ornaments?
- applesauce
- cinnamon
- glue (which is optional)
I used cheap unsweetened commercial applesauce because heaven knows I’m not going to waste my precious homemade applesauce on inedible ornaments.
And you can get cinnamon for $1 or less…it’s $0.99 at Aldi, and I think you can sometimes get it for $0.50 a bottle at dollar stores.
You will need 2 cups of cinnamon, so get the cheapest stuff you can find. This is not the time for gourmet cinnamon!
Do you need to use glue for applesauce cinnamon ornaments?
The glue showed up in some recipes I saw and not in others, so we made a batch with glue and a batch without, and I have to say, there was no appreciable difference.
So, I’d label that as an optional ingredient.
Do you have to bake cinnamon ornaments?
Nope. If you’ve got time aplenty, you can just let the ornaments sit on the baking sheet for a couple of days, until they’re nice and hard.
If you are in more of a rush, you can bake them for 2.5 hours.
How do you make cinnamon ornament dough?
To make the dough for these, just mix 2 cups of applesauce and two cups of cinnamon (plus a tablespoon of glue if you like.)
The dough should be fairly stiff, or it’ll be too sticky to roll out. So if it seems too wet, just mix in a bit more cinnamon.
Dust your countertop with cinnamon, and roll the dough out, just like you would if you were making real cookies.
Use your favorite cookie cutters to cut out shapes. I wouldn’t choose anything too large because the possibility of breakage is higher with a large ornament.
Incidentally, I’m so used to snitching small bits of cookie dough, I very nearly ate this dough several times because it looks like a delicious sort of ginger cookie. Fortunately, I caught myself in time.
Place the ornaments on a cookie sheet, and reroll the scraps to make more ornaments.
Use a toothpick or a straw to make a hole at the top of the ornaments. Make the hole bigger than you think it should be, since the ornaments will shrink some as they dry.
I just wiggled the toothpick around until the hole was large enough.
Now, several of the recipes I came across suggested baking these at 200° F for 2.5 hours, but on the day we made these, we didn’t have time for that.
So, we just left ours on the baking sheets to dry at room temperature (which does take longer, but you don’t have to actually be involved in the process!)
This took a few days, but of course, that can vary a lot depending on how dry the air in your house is.
I didn’t find it necessary to put ours on racks, and I didn’t turn them until the very end, when they were quite firm and there was just a small wet spot on the bottom.
How to fix ragged cinnamon ornament edges
If the edges of your ornaments are a little ragged (ours were!), you can use a small piece of sandpaper to clean them up, and then they’ll look all lovely and neat.
Sanded on the left, not sanded on the right:
How to make hangers for cinnamon ornaments
You can use a variety of things to make the hanger for these ornaments. I just rummaged around in my jar of spare ribbons and came up with these.
Hey, did you know that if your ribbon is polyester, you can melt the ends so that they don’t fray? I just light a match and hold the ribbon above it until the ends melt.
(Please do be careful since matches are fire and all. 😉 )
Hang your ornaments on your tree.
Or attach them to a package.
Or make a garland with them (I think stars would be perfect for that!)

No Bake Cinnamon Applesauce Ornaments
These ornaments cost almost nothing and are super easy to make, even for beginners.
- 2 cups applesauce
- 2 cups ground cinnamon
- 1 tablespoon glue (optional)
- Rolling Pin
- Cookie Cutters
- Baking Sheet
- In a medium bowl, combine applesauce and cinnamon. If dough is too wet, add more cinnamon.
- Sprinkle countertop with cinnamon, and then roll dough out to 1/4 inch thick. Cut with cookie cutters, and place ornaments on an ungreased baking sheet. Use a toothpick to make a hole at the top of each shape for hanging purposes.
- Reroll scraps to make more ornaments.
- Let ornaments dry on baking sheets for several days, or until completely dry. Alternatively, bake in a 200 ° F oven for 2.5 hours.
- If desired, lightly sand edges of ornaments to remove any raw edges.
- Thread ribbon or string through holes in tops of ornaments for hanging purposes.
Susan Rogers
Tuesday 3rd of December 2024
I made a batch of the ornaments that required I add nutmeg (1 T) to recipe. I used glue also, 1 T. Dough kept falling apart, sticking to rolling pin. I kneaded more, same thing. Got a few ornaments cut out but when I went to put a hole in them with a straw, they fell apart. Any suggestions? I threw the batch out. Trying your recipe.
Saturday 2nd of November 2024
First off you need to be prepared for how strong this is going to smell. I wasn't prepared and almost asphyxiated myself. If you can tolerate this for 2 hours you're a better person than I because I tried to do this with the windows closed in November and it almost did me in.
Friday 24th of November 2023
I remember reading this a few years ago and buying loads of cinnamon and apple sauce to use but then never managing to actually do it. Pretty sure I may have eaten the apple sauce already but I'm going to dig out the cinnamon and bring it with me when I visit my sister in a couple of weeks. It'll keep her five-year-old twins occupied for at least half-an-hour, I'm sure. Thanks for posting it again. :-)
Sunday 19th of November 2023
The tiny, flexible straws that are attached to juice boxes make perfect holes. I save them and reuse them year after year. Love this recipe. I never add glue and they turn out fine.
Central Calif. Artist Jana
Saturday 18th of November 2023
I would totally taste the dough (minus the glue).
Even though the ingredients are inexpensive, it almost causes me physical pain to waste food.