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Five Frugal Things (ok, four!)

1. I cleaned up my yard with my neighbors

Remember when I was trying to figure out if I should hire someone to clean up my leaves?

yellow tree leaves.

These leaves were beautiful when they were ON the trees. In my yard, not so much

Well, I never actually did make a decision, which led to that being a default, “No.” Ha.

The other day, my sweet neighbor walked over and said, “Would you like some help with your yard?” and I said YES.

(It was obvious to any passerby that my yard was in need of some work.)

I wasn’t even remotely offended; I almost cried because I was so thankful!

So, she and her husband came over and the three of us worked together to clean up the eleventy-million fallen branches and twigs, plus the leaves, plus the overgrown grass.

sidewalk in front yard.

I am NOT good at keeping up with yard work during the semester, that is for sure. 😉

But now my yard is in not-an-embarrassment-to-the-neighborhood condition. Whew.

2. I got a free little birthday cake

Nothing Bundt Cakes gives you a free small bundt cake in your birthday month, soooo, I popped in when I was nearby, and picked one up.

red velvet cake.

Red velvet, in case you wondered. 😉

3. I got a free venti Starbucks

Most birthday freebies can be obtained in the general vicinity of your birthday (many just within the month!) but Starbucks makes you go ON your birthday.

Kristen with a starbucks cup.

So that’s what I did.

4. I used the free version of Canva for my school assignment

I had to do a little presentation on an OB-related topic and also make a visual aid.

So, I chose hyperemesis (that’s an easy one for me to talk about!) and I used the free version of Canva to make a brochure.

hyperemesis brochure.

I am not a graphic designer, but Canva helps me get things passably decent!

I am always slightly tempted to get the premium version because that makes it way easier to find graphics to use. But I sift through all of ’em to find the free ones instead. 😉

5. (not frugal) I decided to keep both dresses

Remember when I was trying to decide between the blue and the white dress?

white dress.

Well, I decided to throw caution to the wind and keep both.

blue sundress.

The blue one won by a landslide, but I do also still like the white one. So, both it is.

And I’m going to adopt the same attitude I did with the black dress from last summer, which is: I’m going to wear the dresses anywhere and everywhere.

Kristen in a dress.

Remember this one?

So if you see someone at Aldi this summer in a long blue striped dress (or a white one!)…it might be me. 😉

Your turn! What frugal things have you been up to lately?

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Saturday 4th of May 2024

Not an especially frugal thing, but I was able to get Outlive by Peter Attia, MD from the library. It is a wonderful book--thank you for recommending it. Sensible advice on diet and how to exercise properly!


Friday 3rd of May 2024

Wow! I'm envious of the huge trees and lush foliage where you live. Looks very different than where I live in the West.

Anita Isaac

Friday 3rd of May 2024

so glad you kept both dresses.

Trudy Ege

Friday 3rd of May 2024

I’m so happy you kept both dresses, you deserve them❤️

Heather Mar

Friday 3rd of May 2024

Happy Birthday, Kristen!!!! So glad for you that the semester end is in sight, too.

1. Ate out with a gift card after a doctor's appointment, getting lunch prices, making the gift card go farther ;)

2. Drank water! I have a couple friends who don't drink plain water and they are generally either moderately dehydrated or spending lots of $$ on drinks with flavor.

3. Enjoyed some heavy cream - it's not the holiday season and Aldi's quarts of heavy cream here are less than $6. I use little bits of it in so many things and it really contributes to my happiness lol.

4. Cooked awesome homemade meals - highlight was a Greek-seasoned ground beef, lemon rice, and tomato/cucumber/feta salad.

5. Taking credit for my husband's love of native plants - he is transforming our property into a haven for tons of pollinators and for nature to work as intended. His extensive knowledge helps him to find plants almost anywhere we go. He grabs cuttings or takes a plant or two, being sure to leave a sufficient population of whatever plant where he finds it. It's slower than the people who buy everything but it's an awesome integrated approach, and we love to see what survives and thrives (we are on year 3 in this home).

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