I’m pleased to report that I am feeling slightly less negative than yesterday.
I cleaned up my room.
I went for a walk.
I had a phone call with Lisey, texted with Sonia, and had in-real-life convos with Zoe. 🙂
I got myself a little more organized on the school front.
I went to an open lab at school for extra practice with injections and vital signs.
I snuggled with Chiquita.
I dunno if any of those things in particular helped, or if it was a combo of them all, but I feel a little more equipped for life today than I did yesterday.
What I Spent
I spent:
- $30 at Lidl
- $16 at the Hispanic grocery store
- $30 on pizza
So, $76 for me this week.
What We Ate
Lisey was so exhausted when she got here, she ended up hitting the hay at like 6:30 pm and she didn’t even want dinner.
Zoe was at work. And I honestly do not remember what I ate! I remember I watched a ton of lab videos that evening, but my dinner has completely fallen out of my brain.
Zoe had a night off of work, so the three of us went out for pizza and then went to Target, where we did some clothes shopping.
But then when we got to the fitting room, it was closed!
So we just bought everything we were going to try on, then went home and had a big try-on session at my house, which honestly was probably more fun than using the Target fitting rooms.
And then we returned the didn’t-fit items the next day.
Lisey’s last night here; I grilled chipotle chicken kebabs, which we ate on a green salad with the cilantro-lime sauce as a dressing.
Here’s a real-life photo, with dark lighting.
But in nice lighting, here’s what the kebabs look like.
Zoe had some pizza leftovers, and I ate leftover salad, but this time I dumped the last crumbs from a Doritos bag on my salad, and that was 10/10.
I would do that again!

A chip-less chipotle chicken salad bowl
I had a late lunch with Sonia at the tea room, and then I had lab from 5:30-9:30, so Zoe fended for herself and I ate a Clif bar (I wasn’t super hungry due to my late lunch!)
I got back from lab at 6:30, so I threw together a quick dinner of waffles and berries with whipped cream. Girl dinner?
I have some chicken thighs in the freezer so maybe I will do something with those for the two of us.
Friday 6th of October 2023
Iโm so glad you got to see your Hawaiian adventurer! I hope that things continue to look up and you keep finding the good. Happy Friday :)
Friday 6th of October 2023
@Caitlie, also!! Iโm adding those kebabs to my menu! Quick, new and protein! I need more quit tasty protein In our rotation!
Katy in Africa
Friday 6th of October 2023
A cow was slaughtered in the village, so we bought 5 kilos of beautiful beef. - I pressure cooked some of the beef into a roast type meal with potatos, carrots and leftover corn from one cob. I made a simple gravy and served it with your choice of rice or bread. - Fish soup sauce over rice. - Chicken and rice burrito bowls. - Lentils and rice. - Sandwiches
Friday 6th of October 2023
Some combination of apples, cotton candy grapes, golden kiwi, raspberries, blackberries, strawberries and pomegranate were served with the following this week:
Saturday: Spanikopita (spinach pie) for me and zucchini bake for the rest of the crew Sunday: Take out pizza (took care of lunch for a few days too) Monday: Taquitos + guac for the kids, throw together salad and granola for us Tuesday: Garlic Chili Noodles (my goodness, so delicious) Wednesday: Rice, dahl, and indian flat bread Thursday: Refrigerator clean out (grain bowls, left over spanikopita and indian food) Friday: Out to dinner to celebrate daughter's taekwondo belt test. We'll let her pick.
Ruth T
Friday 6th of October 2023
Glad to hear that you're feeling a little better!
This week I hit up a big store-brand sale at a local place, plus got some clearance items at both that local store and then today at Meijer. I'm feeling quite a bit more encouraged about grocery spending right now. This week we ate:
Saturday: My husband and I went out on a date. We dropped the kids off at my parents' house, then went to dinner at a place that's an hour from our home (but not terribly far from my parents) and got seated right next to some friends of ours! It was such a fun surprise to be put there out of all of the tables at the restaurant. As for the food, I tried poutine for the first time and had pulled pork on top.
Sunday: Pizza and a movie night. We went to the zoo in the afternoon and it felt like a real win to make dinner at home.
Monday: Cheeseburgers, tater tots, and California mixed veggies. I had to do some parenting of big emotions for the hour before dinner, so I was thankful for the tots and veggies in the freezer for a Plan B to make a faster dinner.
Tuesday: Rice and bean burritos, then for dessert my husband brought home a couple of little pies from a work event and we had those with vanilla ice cream.
Wednesday: IP mac and cheese, grapes, and peas. It was me and 5 kids for dinner (my 3 plus 2 friends) so the meal had to be quick, easy, and kid-friendly.
Thursday: Pork chops (a clearance purchase from the morning) with corn casserole and chocolate pudding. I bought a half gallon of milk for 50 cents that morning that was dated 10/6, which was great until I got home and realized that the half of the gallon we still had in the fridge was also dated 10/6. So we had pudding for dessert and I changed my Friday dinner plan...
Friday: Creamy chicken noodle soup. I found a recipe that uses 5 cups of milk (whoo hoo!) and I had a couple of chicken breasts that needed cooked up anyways. Perfect! If I get around to it I'll make some rolls or bread, too.
Henna WI
Friday 6th of October 2023
It's been so busy around here that dinner has been suffering. We finally have cooler weather today, so I am ready to bust out the soups and such next week.
Monday - Beer Butt Chicken and roasated veg (our last day of vacation) Tuesday - Brats and Beans (eating out of the pantry because we didn't shop while on vacation) Wednesday - Went out with friend (DH had leftovers) Thursday - Cottage cheese w/salsa and chips at 9:30pm (had exercise class than a CPR/AED training after so got home WAY later than normal) Friday - BLT's with cucumber salad (Last of the garden tomatoes & cucs)