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Thankful Thursday | Lemme tell you about Pachick

To start us off, I’m thankful for a stuffed chick. Let me explain.

About five years ago, Lisey and her friend bought an enormous yellow chick from Target.

He would be a rather run-of-the-mill stuffed animal if it weren’t for his size; he’s just so big!

Chick and bear on leather loveseat

Lisey named him Pachick (you pronounce it like Patrick, except it’s Pachick) and she has been on many adventures with him.

One year, she drove her little Corolla up to Canada (in January, mind you) and she had him buckled into her passenger seat. She said as she drove along the highway, people kept doing double-takes and then laughing.

chick buckled into a car.

When she got to the border between the U.S. and Canada, the border patrol agent said, “So, what’s up with the chick?” and they had to pat him down to make sure she wasn’t smuggling something into the country. Ha.

When she felt a little sleepy during her drives, she said she had made-up arguments with Pachick (he doesn’t share her political views), and that helped to keep her awake. 😉

Pachick went with her when she moved in with my aunt and uncle, but of late he’s been here with us.

Lisey decided she needed to take him with her to Hawaii (because of course!) so she stuck him into a space bag and vacuum-sealed him and OH MY WORD, this made the three of us laugh so hard.

chick in vacuum bag.

I don’t know what it was about seeing him in the bag, but we could not stop laughing. My abs hurt!

Lisey vacuum sealing the chick.

This is a screen-grab from a video I took of her vacuum-sealing Pachick and every time I watch it, I start laughing again.

So, Pachick is currently very…compressed. And hopefully, he will reinflate once Lisey unpacks him in Hawaii.

vacuum-sealed chick.

Anyway, this whole Pachick situation is very emblematic of how Lisey moves through the world, and I love it. We are really gonna miss her chaotic energy!

What else?

I am thankful:

for this lovely pear painting

Remember the photogenic pear I posted? And how I said it seemed like it would be perfect for a painting?

pear on table.

Well, reader Jana (who goes by Central California Artist here in the comments) painted it!

And she said I could share this scanned version with you, titled The Frugal Pear (heh).

Pear painting.

You can follow Jana’s blog at

for Lisey’s boss from Valvoline

Lisey had multiple bosses at Valvoline, but in 2020, she had one named Steve and he has been such a huge blessing in her life…a wonderful father figure for her.

Lisey at Valvoline

He’s the one who first suggested that she might like to go to aviation school.

He’s written a whole pile of recommendation letters for her to help her apply for scholarships.

He’s been there for her during various meltdowns over the years, always available to offer a cheerful word of advice, or to send her some cute animal pictures or videos to distract her.

Sometimes when I am not sure how to help Lisey, I say, “Have you tried texting Steve?” because I know he will always know what to say.

His sense of humor is just quirky enough to mesh perfectly with Lisey’s.

And when she graduated last week, he drove all the way to be there to attend, and he brought her a card with $100 in it.

graduation card front.

I am endlessly grateful for the difference he has made in her life!

inside of a card.

the end of a string of rainy, cold weather

After today, the weather is going to get sunnier and warmer!

water droplets on leaf.

I have been appreciating all the lovely little raindrops on the plants as I walk, but still…I doooooo prefer sunshine.

for my rain jacket

Kristen in a rain jacket.

It’s been coming in very handy lately!

for my neighbor Donna who helps Lisey

The two of them have been busy prepping Lisey’s car for shipping to Hawaii, and I just love that Lisey has this relationship with Donna.

Lisey working on her car.

for my bedroom

I really, really love my little bedroom. I was telling my friend that I often feel like I am staying at a hotel because it is so lovely in there!

bedroom table with plant.

for these baby spruce growths

My big spruce tree is sending out so much new growth right now and the new little bits almost feel like silicone. I love touching them when I walk by.

spruce growths.

for my cat

She’s so cute and I love how social and snuggly she is.

cat on the couch.

Seriously, the best cat ever. I don’t know how we got so lucky with our first try!

cat on couch with Zoe.

What are you thankful for this week?

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Friday 5th of May 2023

What a lovely post. Steve sounds like a keeper. Perhaps she can vacuum seal him and take him along, too! That chick is enormous. Seeing him in the car really shows just how large he is and look forward to hearing about his sand and surf adventures.

What is your cat's name? Is Lisey taking her to Hawaii as well and, if so, will you get another cat? IIRC, you originally got her for Lisey.

Funny you should say that about your room feeling like a hotel. Just the other day I went digging through past posts to find photos of your room as I am redoing mine and yours came to mind as inspiration for a very relaxing oasis.


Sunday 7th of May 2023

@Kristen, Thanks for your reply! I'm sure Lisey will miss her (and all of you!) though she will be busy setting up her life with this amazing opportunity she created for herself. I'm excited for her!


Friday 5th of May 2023

Hahah about vacuum-sealing Steve! I feel like perhaps he would not reinflate as well as Pachick will.

Our cat is named Shelley, and yes, she was technically Lisey's cat. But she's gonna stay here with Zoe and me; I think she would die of stress if we tried to move her to Hawaii!


Friday 5th of May 2023

Pachick all squished down is making me laugh so hard!!!!

I also had a realization today about someone in my daughter's life that I'm thankful for ... the barn owner where she horseback rides truly understands her to the fullest. I mean, she has watched her grow up over the last 7ish years while she has been riding at her barn, but she said something to me via text today that just made me go "Wow! She does know her!" ...and then it promptly made me very teary (and still is as evidenced by my tears typing this) because as parents that's one of the things we want for our children - to be seen and appreciated by others for who they are.


Friday 5th of May 2023

Yes! That is just how I feel about Lisey's boss Steve!


Friday 5th of May 2023

My kiddo is moving to Japan next month for school, and we are starting to pack. Do you recommend any specific brand of vacuum bags? I’ve seen such a wide array of pricing that I have purchased any yet.

Meg L

Friday 5th of May 2023

@Kristen Wonderful post, as always! Thank you! I must have missed what Lisey is up to—she’s moving to Hawaii? Very exciting!


Friday 5th of May 2023

Yep! She graduated as an aviation mechanic and she's moving to Hawaii to work on planes there. :)


Friday 5th of May 2023

Thanks for sharing. One thing I was not prepared for when I became a parent is how special and wonderful it is when another caring adult takes an interest your child and loves them.


Friday 5th of May 2023

So heart-warming, right?

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