New here? Thankful Thursday is our weekly (free!) practice to help us hunt for the good, even in the midst of tough times. Join us in the comments if you need a mood boost.
This week, I am thankful:
that we had blue skies yesterday
We’ve had a string of cloudy days here, which made the sunshine extra fantastic yesterday.
that I am 99% done helping with the tutorial website
Getting everything updated for the next school year turned out to be a much bigger job than I’d anticipated.
But it’s almost entirely done now, which means one less thing on my plate. Yay!
And I am thankful that my WordPress skills came in handy when the tutorial needed them.
that Lisey did a cat shift with me
She’s the only one of the girls who has never accompanied me, but she was free this week and we went together.
Lisey, of course, loved all of the cats, and she was a fun pal to have along.
that we have power
We had more ice/sleet/snow this morning, and whenever ice is in the mix, I feel like we dodged a bullet when the power stays on.
for some mom friends in my bio lab
There are two other homeschooling moms of four in the lab section! and one reached out to form a study group, which was so thoughtful.
that we got an unexpected $450 refund
Apparently Sonia’s October wisdom teeth removal went through our health insurance, not our dental insurance.
And since we’d met our in-network health insurance deductible, they refunded the payment we’d made to the oral surgeon.
that I have experience with learning on my own
When I first went to college at age 18, I had a couple of dud professors who basically just read the book out loud at the lectures.
I think my home-schooled years served me well, though, because I was pretty used to learning mainly from a textbook. So a bad professor was just an annoyance, not a problem that prevented me from learning. I sat through the boring lectures and then studied at home on my own.
This biology class is, unfortunately, like some of those duds, and while it would be nice to have a dynamic learning experience in class, I’m still doing ok.
You can always read the book, take notes, and review things on your own, and that is a mercy!
(Of note: this professor seems like a lovely person; just maybe teaching should not be his profession.)
that you don’t have to be a genius to make it through school
I have known some people who can skate through classes and get A’s with barely any effort. They hear material once and poof! They remember it.
That is not how my brain works (more’s the pity), but mercifully, good study habits can compensate for lack of genius, and I am thankful for that.
I can’t choose to be a genius with an amazing memory, but I can choose to study hard.
for my generally healthy body
What a mercy it is to not have any major health issues. Anything that’s gone wrong with me has always been minor and treatable, and that is such a privilege.
No one knows what tomorrow holds, so I know that my overall health could change in the future.
And that’s why I think it’s so important for me to appreciate my health now!
that my nose works so well now
Speaking of treatable issues: I’m thankful that my breathing is so much improved after my 2016 nose surgery.
And I am also grateful that my nose is not as hard as a rock anymore; it was completely un-squishable for a good year after surgery and that was a very weird feeling.

My crooked un-breathable nose, before surgery
If you are new and you want to catch up on all that, here are more details about my nose surgery.
What are you thankful for today?
P.S. I’m sorry this post is going out so late! Multiple contributing factors at play, including the fact that one of my kids needed my laptop.
Late thankfulness is better than none, though. 😉
Profesora H-B
Friday 19th of February 2021
I'm coming in here late, but I'm one of your Texas readers reporting in from the Houston area. This week I feel blessed (and almost guilty) that...
*my two Texas siblings experienced relatively minor inconveniences (my sister in West Texas experienced rolling blackouts and my brother in Austin had the worst outcome with a burst pipe in their kids' bathroom. Thankfully my SIL's bat-level hearing means they heard the leak and before it got more than a few feet onto the carpet) *I did a Valentine's date night grocery shop and picked up things to cook on the gas range (also extra hot cocoa mix - brrrrrr) *we never lost power, natural gas, or water *when our water pressure dropped, there was still enough to fill a big plastic bin in our bathroom *when we had a temporary boil order, we had an ice-cold water supply in the garage left from hurricane season *we never decluttered our winter clothes and bedding when we moved from Central Indiana (never thought I'd need gloves/mittens and a down blanket to be able to work from home) *our dog is the world's snuggliest snuggle bear and kept my feet toasty warm while wearing her own layers
Saturday 20th of February 2021
Hahaha! "Bat-level hearing !" I'm glad they caught it quickly and I got a good laugh picturing your sister-in-law cocking her head to the side and possibly saying something like "quiet everyone...could that be the sound of water dripping on carpet in the distance at...hmm...six meters to the northwest and at an elevation upstairs bathroom? To the shut-off valve! Go! Go! Go!"
Friday 19th of February 2021
Thankful Friday! Lol For heat and power, prayers to all those without For lots of good food in the freezer For our health For the beauty of snow and snowy walks For our pets that give us love, and warmth, and funny things to laugh at!
Friday 19th of February 2021
Thank you for reminding me to be thankful. It's been a vexing week.
I am thankful that my sweet husband just had a garden variety winter virus this week and not Covid again. Also thankful for our sweet old kitty, who loves to snuggle in the evenings, and our youngest rescue pup, who presents me with the dance routine of joy on her hind legs every day when I come home. Not getting hit with all the snow and ice that blasted most of Tennessee was purely a fluke of local geography, but I'm grateful for it. And I am very thankful for the hard-working folks in our bank's fraud department, who managed to get just the just over $1,000 fraudulently taken from our account returned to us after my husband's card was hacked last week.
Alison Y
Friday 19th of February 2021
This isn't a thankful post, but I just wanted to comment about "not being a genius to make it through school". When I was in nursing school, I found it fairly easy to study for exams and got better grades than my roommate, who had to slog through. However, I noticed that months later she retained more of what we had studied than I did. So, grades are not always an indicator of learning.
Friday 19th of February 2021
That is probably a fair point! Maybe brains retain information better when it's hard-fought learning.
Friday 19th of February 2021
I love Thankful Thursday!
I'm thankful for....
* Great co-workers
* Having the means to buy healthy food for myself and my family, while being able to do it for cheaper due to my frugal ways
* Having a family-in-law that is showing me (and the kids) what a family is really about (love, support, laughter, etc). My family of origin is totally disfunctionnal and barely present, so this sure is a nice change
* Public pool is opening up again
* Having a loving and supportive husband