After lectures today, I have four days in between classes thanks to Labor Day.
I’m really glad about that because woo, I am feeling a little discombobulated after the first week, and I need to get myself organized.
This week, I am thankful:
that I did not get sick last week
Zoe came down with Covid, but miraculously, I did not catch it. I took tons of Covid tests, but no Covid for me this go-round!

I said to Zoe, “This is a not-fun type of lollipop.”
The odd thing is that when I came down with it last January, Zoe never caught it from me either.
When she tested positive, I thought for sure I was gonna get it and miss my first week of nursing classes, so I am very surprised/thankful that I’m ok. Whew!

Why yes, I DID wear my $19 dress to my first day of the semester.
And thanks to the timing of Zoe’s sickness, she was out of quarantine and able to go to her first day of class as well. Yay!
for the fun of watching Pride and Prejudice with Zoe
She took two English lit classes last year, which prompted us to watch Sense and Sensibility together. And after we watched the Barbie movie, with its reference to Pride and Prejudice, we agreed that we needed to rewatch the 1995 version.
We watched episodes 1 and 2 one evening, episodes 3 and 4 another evening, and now we have the last two to go. Unfortunately, school and work are interfering mightily with our efforts to watch the last two episodes and we might have to wait until next Monday.
These are the hazards of functioning as responsible human beings.
Anyway, we are having a delightful time watching this together. I was Zoe’s age (17) when this version first came out, and it’s been a long time since I went through the whole series again.
Our favorite thing is to hate on the Bingley sisters, Mr. Collins, and Mr. Wickham.
And although we know Lydia is problematic, she IS very entertaining to watch.
for accountability from afar
One late afternoon last week I had a lot of stuff to do and ZERO motivation.
So, I texted my friend Carrie a list of the things I wanted to get done, asking her to check back in with me before bed.
And it helped!
for virtual friends
My Zoom support group (for women leaving marriages like mine) has been off for the summer, but my two besties from that group have a little group text going on with the three of us, and we sometimes do Zoom calls to catch up with each other.
ALSO: the three of us are having dinner together on Friday this week. Woohoo!
that I waited until now to start nursing school
I’d always planned to start nursing school after Zoe graduated high school, and I am feeling super good about that decision (as opposed to trying to rush through pre-reqs and get in while still homeschooling her.)
The nursing school schedule is kind of nutso, and I am very glad that I’m not responsible for teaching anyone else while I’m in school.
that I’ve got a flexible schedule
I somehow got into an evening/weekend clinical rotation this semester, which is very much not what I wanted.
(I am not at my finest by 9:30 pm.)
But…it’s ok! My only housemate is Zoe, and she’s busy with work/school/friends, so it’s no big deal. I can make this work even though it’s not what I really wanted.
that we get to change clinicals every semester
If I was stuck in this schedule for the next two years, I might be a little bit distressed. But everything is just one semester long, so, no biggie. It’s temporary.
for space to paint inside
It’s been too humid outside for painting, so I’ve spread a dropcloth inside to work on Sonia’s storage chest.
The only complicating factor in here is Chiquita, who is quite invested in depositing fur on my wet paint. So I have to shut the door and then she is distressed.
Either that, or I have to put my painting up high, like so.
Luckily she doesn’t jump up on the counters. 😉
for the cats
Shelly’s been joining us during our Pride and Prejudice viewings, which is lovely.
And Chiquita is just everywhere…here, there, up, down, and sometimes in the middle of the floor.
Monday 4th of September 2023
I thought surely all the moms of young kids would want that assignment. But apparently it's hard to get people to take the evening/weekend clinical spots. I was surprised!
Monday 4th of September 2023
My cat Milo likes to surprise us and be underfoot a good bit. We are daily stepping on his feet or his tail as he is in the way! He is curious and likes to be nearby most of my waking hours.
Monday 4th of September 2023
I never had to do clinicals on weekends or evenings, but that sure would have been helpful in juggling two small children's care with Hubby. You see the most interesting things in off hours, too! Enjoy your break today!
Friday 1st of September 2023
Reading all the good and also the hard things this week, and wishing everyone well!! This week I am thankful for my creativity, that makes me think of fun and useful activities. Thankful for the energy that I felt all summer. Thankful for a summer without disasters in my region- nice temperatures, plenty of rain, only one great storm, no wildfires where I live, few intemperate hot spells. I feel all the better for a good summer! For new dorms for our youngest. One where the windows can be opened and people keep the bathroom tidy. For being able to advise and support our children. For the wonderful and very different ways in which our children express their love for us.
Tamara Reed
Thursday 31st of August 2023
Dench not French.