I recently (like 2 weeks ago) filed for divorce. Oof, it’s a lot to process. I’m having such a hard time finding real stories of just normal women and how they moved on and got through this hard time. I find your positivity and honesty so helpful and inspiring. What else got you through? Any other good memoirs or blogs you could recommend?
First off, I’m so sorry you are going through this. No one gets married thinking, “Oh, I hope one day I will get to file for divorce!” But sometimes we get to a place where divorce is the sad but obviously correct choice.
When I read your question, the main book that popped into my head was, “You Could Make This Place Beautiful“.
I read that one in the summer of 2023, and oh my goodness, it made me laugh and cry and…I feel so seen and validated and understood as I read her words.
(Her book inspired this post of mine, called I Kept Us Here With Words).
You might enjoy her other book, Keep Moving, a collection of bite-sized encouragements that she wrote to herself during her divorce.
I also recently read This American Ex-Wife, but that one is not all memoir. It spends a fair amount of time dissecting the cultural ways in which marriage can often be harmful to women.
(Obviously, this is not true of every marriage. But it is true of enough of them to warrant a discussion on the topic.)
I can’t think of any blogs off the top of my head that talk about divorce. I do know that Kelle Hampton of Enjoying the Small Things is going through a divorce (or maybe she is already divorced?) She doesn’t really blog much anymore, but she’s active on Instagram with the username @etst.
I think it helps to find some friends who are also divorced/divorcing, especially if the divorce is for the same reasons as yours. That sort of person can immediately understand what you are thinking and how you are feeling, which is a lovely experience.
I have a couple of friends like that and they are my lifeline.
I was wondering if you had some time to discuss balancing your natural tendency for frugality with purchases for health? I find myself struggling with wanting to spend little except essentials (especially when I’m working towards a goal like paying down the mortgage, while at the same time, another hefty dental and medical bill comes up) but then wearing sneakers out too much because I refuse to replace them. Do you ever struggle to find the balance yourself?
Midwest Andrea
Oh, yes, I am for sure sometimes too frugal!
Remember how I’d been using that slightly broken hair straightener for two years? And how it was pulling out some of my hair on a regular basis?
When I finally forked over the $13 for an open-box straightener from eBay, I felt pretty silly for not having made this purchase sooner. That was definitely a case of me being too frugal!
Something that has helped me in the past is to specifically set aside some money for categories that feel vaguely non-essential (you can’t skip the medical bill; you can skip a shoe purchase, so technically the shoe purchase is non-essential in your mind!)
If I earmark the money for a trip or for athletic gear or for a little treat, then I somehow have a much easier time spending it. If it’s all in one big pot, it’s easy for me to mentally think it should all go toward strictly essential spending.
So, maybe think about a few categories you kinda sorta know you should spend some money on (shoes being one of them!) and set aside some money in a targeted savings account or an envelope, and see if that helps you feel a little better about spending.
I would love to read a post from you about introverts and extroverts and read commenters’ experiences etc. I know you wrote a little bit about it in some posts. When you write about how you like to be talkative to patients, it’s made me think about this topic.
I think that I am probably somewhere in between an introvert and an extrovert, so the label for me is “ambivert”.
I do really love to chit-chat with people, I am super outgoing, and I can practically make small talk with a brick wall; those are traits usually associated with extroverts. I often find myself feeling energized by doing things like interacting with my classmates. And I would dislike a hospital job that lacked patient interaction.
But on the other hand, I can also be very very happy all on my own for long periods. When I have traveled by myself or been at home by myself when Zoe’s been traveling, I have felt great!

from my summer solo trip to Jim Thorpe in PA
As you all know, I routinely walk/hike by myself, and I also do things like going to the symphony on my own.

symphony season is gonna start up again soon!
Conversely, if I have been around people nonstop for a while, I feel a hankering for some time where I can just quietly do whatever I want on my own.
So, I find myself vacillating between introverted and extroverted tendencies, mainly based on what I have not gotten enough of recently.
I have no experience being any other way, obviously, but I think being an ambivert is awesome. I can be happy socializing, but I don’t need to be around people, so I am also happy being alone.
Alrighty, guys! Introversion/extroversion? Divorce books/blogs? Being too-frugal? Lemme hear from you.
P.S. If you have a question you’d like me to answer in a future Q&A, send it to me in an email.
NZ Muse
Thursday 19th of September 2024
Glennon Doyle's writing!
More and more women on Substack starting to write about divorce. Here's one: https://allisonhiltz.substack.com/
Friday 13th of September 2024
Lysa Terkeurst- Good Boundaries and Goodbye's. She has written many open books on her former marriage relationship and this one in 2022 after coming to a point where staying no longer was an option. As for whether or not I personally agree or disagree with divorce - I don't see much point in sharing that view. There's little benefit in turning someone's struggle, pain or personal decision (whatever that may be) into an opportunity to exact my opinion( especially when I don't the person and they haven't asked me for my personal feedback). I can hold to my own convictions without having to make sure someone else knows what it is. Often times, I can forget that a person willing to be vulnerable with others( especially strangers) is in need of , most of all, compassion and love. "[And the world will know we are His children if we have love for one another]" John 13:35.
Friday 13th of September 2024
@K.C, "know*"
Thursday 5th of September 2024
Early in our marriage, my husband and I argued quite a bit about our money. He likes to spend money on things that brought immediate gratification and I like to save up money for bigger things I want. Our solution was to each have an allowance every month that we accounted for in our budget. It started small (I think we each got $50 a month) and we gradually increased it over the years (we are now at $100 a month).
This money can be used how each of us chooses and the other person doesn't question the purchases that are made with their fun money. We set "rules" about what fun money is for vs. what we should buy with our own money and if there is a question about what category the purchase fits into, we talk about it. We have agreed that fun money is for anything we personally want that doesn't benefit both us, eating out with friends, and solo trips or friend trips where the other person isn't going with.
My desire to save instead of spend sometimes makes it hard for me to purchase something I really want, even if I have enough fun money for it. In these insances, I'm grateful for the input my husband provides. I had been researching and talking constantly about buying a new bike that was expensive in my eyes. Finally, after deciding which one I wanted, my husband reminded me that I wasn't making an impulsive decision and that I save up my money for purchases just like this. The bike came this week and I am so happy that he gave me the perspective I needed to buy it. :)
Wednesday 4th of September 2024
I am definitely an introvert Daughter of 2 extroverts Caused some problems growing up but I am now happily married to another introvert. We work well together It has been 57 years since our first date
Wednesday 4th of September 2024
@Kristen, Thank you for touching on those topics together. I can't wait to sit down and read every comment from which I always learn something new. Hugs from an introvert :)