So. I have been busy painting cabinets, at least most days this week (when it’s not raining!), which means that some other things around my house have been falling apart.
And that means that I’ve had some food waste casualties. In the two weeks since I last hosted a Food Waste Friday, I had to get rid of a sausage, a few slices of ham, a teeny bit of tuna salad, and two bad mangoes. However, the mangoes were kind of not my fault…when I got them home from the store, it turned out that they were the bad kind of soft, not the ripe kind of soft.
I have saved some things, though. The last of my organic spinach from Aldi went into a smoothie.
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I made a batch of banana chocolate chip muffins to salvage some funky bananas.
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And when I found this pear in my fruit drawer, I was going to toss it into the compost bin.
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But I discovered that hiding underneath the ugly outside was some surprisingly firm and delicious pear. So, I ate it, and only had to compost the stuff I peeled off of the outside. Yay!
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Hopefully by the time next Food Waste Friday rolls around, cabinet painting will be a distant memory, and I’ll be more on top of things around my house.
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Joshua’s 365 post: Supermassive Black Hole
Saturday 3rd of August 2013
The amount of protein I have just tossed is maddening. I have not had a great week food wise but throwing away expensive chicken and salmon is cry worthy.
Friday 2nd of August 2013
Not to bad this week - one cucumber. I could have peeled it and cut away the outside 1/2" was was a bit icky, but I didn't think it'd be worth the effort. And I was very busy - I served dinner for 7 tonight, welcoming the new neighbors.
In other news I organized the deep freezer and rewrote the freezer list. Both had gotten quite chaotic in the past 2 months. While I dread that chore I am very happy to have it done. And I turned 25 lbs of pork bones into stock, using the accumulated onion skins and celery trimmings in lieu of whole onions and celery.
No great saves. But I will say that spoonbread souffle tastes fantastic when topped with braised/broiled onions + mushrooms.
Saturday 3rd of August 2013
I am SO impressed by you having 25 lb. of pork bones. That stock must be amazing!
Friday 2nd of August 2013
Great save on the pear. I wouldn't have thought there was anything salvageable on it and thrown it out. I'm excited to see how your cabinets turn out.
Friday 2nd of August 2013
Me too! I can't wait to hang up the cabinet doors.
Friday 2nd of August 2013
Wow, kudos to you for eating that pear! I never even would have tried to see what was below the surface there.
Friday 2nd of August 2013
Kristin, I make a lot of smoothies and have been wanting to incorporate (sneak) some greens like spinach in for my kids. Can you tell me what all you put in the smoothie you mentioned in this post to which you added the spinach? Thanks!
Friday 2nd of August 2013
Oh! I forgot to add that blueberries or blackberries disguise the green color really well. Strawberries alone make it turn brown.
Friday 2nd of August 2013
Sure-I combined spinach with some orange juice and blended that up, and then I added yogurt, raspberries, and blueberries. I don't really measure anything...I just sorta throw stuff in!