As we have established, I am not a person who puts a lot of time and energy into my hair.

How my hair usually looks: up in a clip or a bun. 😉
I wouldn’t say, as Ginger does, that I aggressively don’t care how I look (I love how she phrased that!), but I also cannot be bothered to put a whole lot of time into my appearance.
So it’s unusual for me to have two hair items in a single post. 😉
1. I got a very basic haircut
I do this about once a year, and I get the most basic thing they offer: a shampoo and a cut with no blow-dry.

Yup, this is my black Target dress from last summer!
There is no sense in me paying for the blow dry because my hair is super quick-drying; usually after the ten-minute drive home from the salon, my hair is mostly dry. 😉
2. I ordered a hair straightener from eBay
I haven’t had a bathroom with much sink real estate since maybe 2005 or so. Even though the sink at this house is large, 90% of it is the sink, and maybe 10% is countertop.
This situation combined with my propensity to drop things/bump things off of the counter means my hair straighteners have a tough life.
I dropped my current one maybe a year or two ago for the umpteenth time and the plate got a little dislodged. I’ve been limping along with it ever since, but the problem is that the dislodged plate sometimes pulls my hair.
I decided this was ridiculous, so I hopped on eBay and ordered an open-box Revlon hair straightener.
And now my hairs are not gonna get pulled out as I straighten. Totally worth $13, and I don’t know why I didn’t do this sooner.
Sometimes I am TOO frugal. 😉
3. I got a necklace from Poshmark
Lisey and I used to both have matching stamped initial necklaces, but the gold had worn all off of mine so I hadn’t worn it in a few years.
But I got the urge to own one again, so I looked around and found a Kate Spade one new in the package on Poshmark. Sweet!

I guess this is the car selfie edition of Five Frugal Things. Ha. The name tag is from a scholarship event I was at (I don’t sport a name tag on the daily! Except at work, I guess, because I have a badge.)
4. I got a free audiobook with an Audible trial
Multiple people have recommended Richard Schwartz’s book, No Bad Parts. My library doesn’t have this, even on audiobook, so I got myself a free Audible trial and used my freebie to get this book.
And don’t worry, I already made myself a note so I remember to cancel Audible when my free trial is over!
5. I…
- kept up my streak of packing 100% of my food and drinks for my shifts
- packed all of my meals in reusable containers/bottles
- made a zillion odds and ends meals using random things from the fridge
- picked up a short little extra four-hour shift at work
Saturday 3rd of August 2024
We are seeing the results of our gardening efforts. We pulled the garlic a couple weeks ago from two raised beds. I am seeing tomatoes starting to ripen, and my basil is growing like crazy. The basil plants came up on itโs own from seeds that fell off the plants last year, resulting in over 30 plants. More than we need, but we will use it for making sauce, pesto and in fresh salads. I love the smell of basil. We have been picking blueberries since the end of June, plus black currants, blackberries and gooseberries. We have over 20 gallon bags full of berries in our freezer! Plus we have made over 10 batches of wine with the different types of berries. It is more than last year, but once we get it kegged, it will last a long time. Wednesday I gave my husband a haircut. He needed one, we had been busy the last couple weeks, but finally I said that I need to give you a haircut. I got out my bag of tools and he took a seat and I cut his hair and trimmed his beard, plus his eyebrows were looking bushy. I enjoy doing it for my husband, I am very picky about his hair, and I want him to look handsome for me. After that it was my turn. He trims mine every other time that I cut his. Mine is just above my elbows and he trims off about an inch or so just to keep my ends neat. I like keeping my ends neat, I see other woman that go too long between trims, and the split and uneven ends are not attractive. I think because I cut my husbandโs hair, I tend to notice other peopleโs hair more now. In this hot weather, I have him braid my hair for me each morning. When I am working in the garden or doing other chores, I like my hair out of my face and off my neck. So I rarely wear my hair down in the summer. I get compliments on the haircuts I give my husband as well as compliments on my different braids. So our frugal home hair care is definitely not a compromise to save money. Our bees went through a dry spell in July, but now that the golden rod is in flower, I see the workers landing at the hives loaded with pollen and I put rocks in a birdbath so that they can get water close by. The goldenrod produces a nice amber color honey, and I love the smell and the flavor. Soon it will be time for hubby to start cutting and splitting wood. It saves us thousands in heating bills, plus the wood ash is great fertilizer for our garden. We donโt skip on quality or consider ourselves misers, but we donโt waste our resources frivolously.
Sunday 28th of July 2024
I'm honored I got a mention in a regular post, lol I kinda tried on how I look today, but, "tried" still means a solid colored shirt, simple gray pants, my gym shoes and my Vincent Van Gogh sunflower's necklace (which charmingly my 3 year old decided "your friend Vincent Van Gogh made"). and yes I am at work.
Lindsay B
Friday 26th of July 2024
1. I found a penny while I was using the free vacuums at the nearby car wash.
2. My iPhone from 2016 (given to me by my parents when they upgraded) has started to really struggle, despite my having had a new battery installed about two years ago. I was able to purchase a refurbished one from Back Market (I think it was mentioned on this website, or NCA) for much less than refurbished via Amazon. Fingers crossed it works out wellโ thereโs a 30 day no questions asked return window, and a yearโs warranty. I was also able to find a coupon online to save $25.
3. I finished a partial bag of waffle mix that had been open for about 2.5 years. The waffles tasted a little different due to being old, but werenโt bad. I also finished a jar of pickled green tomatoes that had been hanging around for too long. I could have composted it, but I had the time and capacity to slowly use it up and avoid food waste.
4. We spent two nights with a friend of mine who overstocks on food and always needs help to eat things before they go bad. She buys everything on sale and gets a lot of produce from her dad who is a prolific gardener. But thereโs only so much food one person can eat! We were happy to โhelpโ eat some items, and she also kindly sent us home with some chocolate she didnโt prefer. Send all the chocolate this way, please!
5. My friend also let me tag along to Costco and restock on some of our pantry essentials that are much better priced there, like pesto and feta cheese.
Wednesday 24th of July 2024
Your haircut looks great and you look beautiful in your dresses.
My Frugal 5โs
1) My 2 girls attended a free 3 day space camp at the library which was hosted by our local science museum. 2) Brought school supplies early to beat the rush, on sale and mostly generic brands. Will also be reusing mostly last yearโs supplies. 3) Kids had free lunches at the park this summer. 4) Ate leftovers in the fridge. 5) Return shampoo and conditioner for a credit.
Tuesday 23rd of July 2024
I called silver in my hair "Free highlights". But now it's mostly silver/gray. I was hoping for white, but I think it will get there, eventually. I can't fathom spending hundreds of dollars dyeing my hair, sitting in a salon for hours at a time, and exposure to all of those chemicals (I have a lot of chemical sensitivities). Plus, with darker hair, roots begin to show fairly quickly. I've never had to worry about that.
You look "MAHVELOUS".
Fru-gal Lisa
Tuesday 23rd of July 2024
@Kristen, and Jan, Same here. I have a sign (thrifted) in my bathroom, "Silver is the new blonde."
Tuesday 23rd of July 2024
@Kristen, I actually LOVE going to the salon once a month for roots and a trim. I have no daughters so it is a chance to listen to the younger women talk a bit about their lives and hear some of the young people slang. My personal stylist has a family member with problems just like one of my family members and comparing notes and commiserating does me a world of good.
Tuesday 23rd of July 2024
Yep; I'm too cheap and too lazy to dye mine. Ha.