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Can I keep these alive?

On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I post a picture and just a few words.

I’ve got kind of a black thumb to begin with, and my house is distressingly short of bright, sunny windows in the wintertime (darn trees!).

But these were marked down at Aldi the other week, so I’m gonna give it a shot.

fresh herbs from Aldi

I’ve used fresh sage before (in the spatchcocked turkey I made for Thanksgiving last year), but I’ve actually never used fresh thyme.   I’m looking forward to giving it a try, though.

Any tips for keeping thyme and sage alive indoors?

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Saturday 18th of November 2017

Can I keep a large sprig of sage alive in water until it roots? Can I then plant it in dirt in a larger pot to grow in a window?


Saturday 18th of November 2017

If it grows roots, then yes, I think that should work!

Kari S

Wednesday 15th of October 2014

If it doesn't get too cold where you are, they might do fine outside over the winter, even in (larger) pots. I'm in zone 7b and my thyme and sage do just fine.

One of my favorite ways to use thyme is in a simple brothy soup made with small spring leeks sauteed in olive oil, then add chicken stock, fresh thyme, salt and pepper.

Sarah H

Wednesday 15th of October 2014

I find herbs don't do well inside for me over the winter and my green thumb is semi-decent. I think they really need the large pot/extensive sunlight of the summer. However, give it another try with a big pot, have it in a southern facing window, direct light but far enough away that it doesn't get too cold from being close to a window. Good luck! If it starts to die out, pick the leaves, chop them and freeze them in ice cube trays with enough water to cover. Then thaw and use as needed.


Wednesday 15th of October 2014

My secret to keeping indoor plants is Plant Nannies. They are ~17.00 for a set of 4 new (I don't know if you could score them second-hand) but they last indefinitely and I haven't killed an indoor plant since I started using them. They are basically hollow terracotta tubes that you upend a wine or water bottle into. The plant takes what it needs and when the bottle is empty you just refill. No over or under watering. I balked at the initial price, but I have to say that I've probably saved that much in not replacing dead plants, and having the fresh herbs available instead of doing store bought.


Wednesday 15th of October 2014

Don't overwater - that's how I killed my first potted plants. Give them a thorough watering when the topsoil starts to feel dry, and don't leave them standing in water. If they're from a supermarket, be vigilant for pests in the first week.

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