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Ch-ch-ch-changes! (as a result of the reader survey)

menu plans

In yesterday’s post, I shared some of what I learned from reading your survey responses.   It’s been such an enlightening experience, and I’m excited to apply what I’ve learned (because learning is great, but applying is even better.)

Read on to find out what changes are comin’!

Goodbye, Food Waste Friday, hello, menu post!

I’ve been doing Food Waste Fridays for forever and a day, and since they weren’t a super popular item on the survey, I think I’m going to put them on hiatus for now.

freecycle turkeys

In place of Food Waste Friday, I’ll do a menu post, and I’ll hopefully do a grocery report with that too. Plus, since my food waste saves (not my food waste fails) were the most popular part of Food Waste Friday, I’ll add those into the menu/grocery post.

I’m vaguely nervous about how well I will do at managing my food waste without the accountability, but I’m going to give this a try and then reevaluate a few months down the road.

Can I take my training wheels off and still stay up?   Or will I slip back into my food-wasting ways?

Time will tell!

Adios to one photo post.

A surprisingly large proportion of you said Five Frugal Things (FFT) posts are some of your favorites (I had no idea! This is why surveys are helpful.), along with stream of consciousness and miscellany.

clearance apricot jam

Since you all are pretty mixed on the Tuesday/Thursday photo posts, and since FFT and its ilk are pretty fast posts to write, I’m thinking I’ll do a photo post on Tuesdays and then on Thursdays, I’ll write a FFT/miscellany/stream of consciousness type of post.

(I expect that food-waste-saves will appear in these types of posts, so if that was your favorite thing about my blog, never fear!)

I’m going to try to post more recipes.

Recipes are pretty time-consuming, especially if you do the step-by-step variety like I do, so I can’t make ’em a weekly feature. But, I’m going to make them a priority when I’m planning my blog posts each month.

baked chicken enchiladas with red sauce

Q&A’s will stay every other Monday.

You guys said you like these, so I’m keeping them as-is, every other Monday. You all shared quite a few questions in the survey, so I’m going to work some of those into the Q&A posts.

I’m going to write more about simplicity.

Many, many of you asked for help in this area. Since simplicity is a huge topic, in a future post, I’ll open up comments for a discussion on exactly what types of simplifying you’re wanting help with. That way I’ll make sure I’m writing about what you most need help with.

I’ll try to hit on other topics you guys asked for.

The cry for grocery/menu posts was the loudest, but there were also some other topic suggestions that came up in the comments multiple times, so I’ll be working on adding those in as well.

I think that about sums it up! I’m excited to change things around here and breathe some fresh air into my posting schedule.

I’d be remiss if I closed this out without thanking you guys once more for taking the time to give me your feedback. You all are seriously one of the loveliest group of blog readers on the web, and I appreciate you!

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Saturday 10th of October 2015

I've just discovered your blog, so I didn't take the survey, but am excited to see what's to come.


Tuesday 6th of October 2015

If it help keep you accountable, you could always move your FWF posts to instagram!


Tuesday 6th of October 2015

True, true...although instagrammers do tend to like to see beautiful things!


Tuesday 6th of October 2015

I love your food waste Fridays. It is part of your blog that shows the true you, a real person. I hope you incorporate it into your new format (even if you don't have pictures). I don't think the "how the food that could have been wasted was used" portion is the most important part. It is the fact that you are aware of your waste, you take action, and yet show you are human when things get past you. Can you at least link at the bottom to the other blog that does the FWF?


Tuesday 6th of October 2015

I sincerely love all of your posts! I failed to participate in the survey :( , but think I will so enjoy menu posts, as I struggle mightily for meal ideas. I try to refer to the older ones you have posted, and so appreciate them.


Tuesday 6th of October 2015

No - Thank You - this takes a lot of time on your part and just know it is appreciated. I realize the recipes take a long time - but know I at least have used many, that are now in my regular routine. Since I'm single I just freeze the leftovers that don't get used as lunches.

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